Never the Same: The Echoes of Change

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It's not the same!!

The last time we spoke, on the phone

Words were blasting out, causing explosions in the open

Making wounds appear, that ran deep

What caused the scene, it cannot be seen

Whatever struck then, has changed minds in a minute

The words uttered  spread fast,

So lets bring out in the open, under the sky

Since the last time we spoke, it is different now

We have changed, the world has moved on

Like I said before, It's not the same.

It's like a loaded gun, shots fired in haste,

Wounds linger on, leaving a bitter taste.

Healing takes time, scars still remain,

No matter what, things won't be the same again.

So let's face it now, accept the truth, 

We've been through stormy seas, in our youth.

But from this wreckage, we have risen anew, 

Though changed forever, the bond remains

But the knot of distrust, in the thread of faith,

Strangles the hope, in its dark embrace.

It will never be the same.

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