Days End

23 3 0

I open my eyes and see the dates

flying off to the horizon

The numbers flow in a humbling tune

As days come to an end and the sun sets soon

Time turning into weeks, then months and years

Each passing moment, a memory to hold dear

The last I saw was a test paper solving addition numericals

The present shows a desk and sheet showing my future's needs

I see that time has flown away

From a preschooler  

To a college graduate I am today

This joy has a sudden sadness within

My carefree childhood is over 

Teenage years near an end 

And adulthood is all set to begin.

Oh how time has flown

The numbers flow in a humbling tune

As days come to an end and the sun sets soon

Turning into weeks, then months and years

Each passing moment, a memory to hold dear

With every tick of the clock, time marches on

And before we know it, a decade has gone

Oh how the years have flown by

Leaving behind moments we can't deny

From first steps taken to the milestones that have been achieved
The numbers keep rising, and I can't believe

How quickly time slips through our hands

As we try to hold on to moments so grand

But in the end, we must humbly accept

That the numbers keep flowing, they never relent

They remind us to cherish each passing day

For time is a gift that never will stay

So let the numbers flow in their melodic tune

And may we appreciate them, morning to noon

For they mark the passing of our precious time

And remind us to live each moment, oh so sublime.

Wow, I am about to graduate college 😳!

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