failed protection and conjunction

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the whirl of your dreams, while you're falling asleep
the swoosh of harmony, while im falling in deep
the sane way that the raindrops fall
the pillars of connection stand so tall
you don't get to build the wall, only see
how much you did
what you won't ever get from me
and how the trees sway in your presence
scared of the tumbling abilities you possess
toppling the strongest i can harness
you're just a force to be reckoned with

삶의 손길은 필수적입니다,
역병과 죽음을 막기 위해.
그들은 더 이상 척하지 않을 것입니다,
그리고 그들은 유치함을 믿지 않을 것입니다.
현실과 혼돈 스위치,
저울이 기울어지게 합니다.
당신은 모든 것, 모든 것, 모든 것을 가지고 있습니다.

(A touch of life is essential,
To prevent pestilence and death.
They won't pretend anymore,
And they won't believe in childishness.
Reality and chaos switch,
It makes the scale tilt.
You have everything, everything, everything.)

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