Colby - Texting

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Getting home, I threw my bag onto a pile of clothes that I had been asked to clean up at least four times, and fell on to my bed with my phone in hand. I realised that Josh had messaged me like, I minute after schooled had ended.

(They are supposed to not text grammatically correct by the way)

Josh💪: dude, Toddy told me that you have to work with Sam Golbitch for Science! Get WRECKED.

Colby🏈: wat u mean?

Josh💪: u have to work with a pick me pussy. He only hangs out with girls

Colby🏈: oh... Lol

Josh💪: is he even smart?

Colby🏈: he's a fucking nerd 🤓

Josh💪: 🤓🤓🤓🤓

Colby🏈: I gtg bye

I turned off my phone and lie on my back. Something didn't feel right about being so rude to people. I had never felt comfortable with the idea that some people should be criticized for who they hang out with, or what they liked. But then again, Josh is kinda right about Sam being kind of lame. I couldn't finish my thought coherently before football training got the better of me and I started to doze off.


I woke up at about six'o'clock and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I fell asleep in my jeans. Ew. I could smell dinner from my room and strolled into the kitchen. "Meatballs and mash potatoes!" My grandma slid the mountain of food on to the counter space in front of me, and started getting our the Tupperware, "There's quite a few, so you'll be able to have some leftovers for school tomorrow!" I thought about the fact that I'd be called all types of homophobic slurs if I show up to school with meatballs and mashed potatoes of all things, "...Thanks grandma."

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