Colby - Detention

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I bid adieu to Sam (he taught me that word) and went off to my other classes. The ones that I had with Nate were fun, and my ex-friends had stopped bullying me almost entirely. That day was going pretty good if you added the fact that I fixed my friendship with Sam. Having our last studying session at my house, was the only thing on my mind for most of the day, and my opinions on it had gone from scared, to excited.

The final bell went, and I was the first one out of class... so I was the first one to run into the teacher standing in the door way. "Ah! Colby, excellent, I was just going to come looking for you. Haven't forgotten about our silly little detention, have we?" I cursed under my breath, "Don't fret, your not by yourself this time." My brows furrowed, and I followed him to the grungy old room. For some reason, he trusted me enough to stay in there by myself while he left to go get the other student, but staying there was worth it when Sam's face was visible through the tiny smudged window on the door.

"Now Colby, I know that you and Sam might not get alo-" the teacher paused and rethought his words as Sam came running over to the desk next to mine, almost pushing me over as well. "Mr. Goody-two-shoes, in detention? That's unexpected."
"Shut up," he punched my arm and I know that it had gentle intentions, but he underestimated his own strength, "Oh my god! Are you ok?" He had a genuine look of stress and worry on his face. "Sam, I'm fine. Now tell me, why are you in detention?"
"Hehe, funny story about that..." Sam explained how the teacher was talking about me, and how Sam stood up to him, even though I wasn't even if the room. I think I reacted more surprised then I actually was, as I had realised over time that my trusted feeling for Sam were reciprocated.

"Wow," Sam and I stared at each other for a while, smiling, and I assume, both being filled with a level of comfort. Then I noticed that the teacher was shooting us a look, and I pulled away from the ever nearing, and subconscious proximity of our noses. We returned to sitting normally in the desk as soon as Sam also got the unspoken message.

"Ok boys, I'm going to give you a work sheet with some simple multiplication questions on them, and you need to answer those until you can leave." He stood up, holding two sheets of paper, which he placed down onto our desks. "Aren't you going to reprimand us for sitting so close to each other?" Sam had clearly never been frustrated by the teachers pet (because he was one). But I was curious to know why the teacher just smirked at us and turned around to go back to his desk, like he knew, if not wanted something to happen.

We put our heads down, and started answering the questions. The first ones were pretty easy, but I was never good at my times tables, so as they got harder, I just kind of gave up. I started to scribble a little note onto the top corner of my page, and I tapped Sam's foot with mine to signal that I wanted him to read it. I watched his eyes shift away from the paper, which he seemed to be really good at, and skimmed over what I had written: 'how was ur day?'

He responded, also writing on the top of his paper.

'okay, but infinitely better with you in it'

'haha nerd'

'at least I want to be your friend'

'Oh my god how could you say that???'

Sam looked at me, worried, so I wrote more, to emphasize that it was a joke:


'don't do that, you made me worried!!!!!!'


He smiled at my drawing, and I smiled at his smile.

"Alright boys, you can go home now." Sam checked the clock as a reaction to the teacher.
"But, we're only half way through-"
"Shut up!" I grabbed his arm and he scrambled for his backpack as we booked it out of that room, holding onto him as tight as I could.

(OMG how excited are y'all about the Conjuring house episodes!!! I can't believe they're finally here 😭)

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