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Chapter 2: Royal Punishment

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"Punishment?" Archie asked, his eyes widening slightly in shock. "What do you mean by that?"

"Quite eager to know more, are you not?" Kenric grinned as he spoke. "You will find out soon."

"When?" Archie felt the hair at the back of his neck stand, he would be lying if he said that he was not curious about what Kenric had in mind. Especially considering the way that the prince was looking at him, with mischief so clearly visible in his eyes.

"Tonight," Kenric leaned forward to peck Archie's lips. "I have a meeting with the council now."

"How are you here already? I thought you would be back tomorrow or next week," Archie questioned.

"Are you complaining?" Kenric rose a brow, making Archie narrow his eyes at his lover.

"Of course, I am. I was hoping to come back to a cold and empty bed but instead, I found the most handsome and loving man in the world inside my room waiting for me," Archie said in a deadpan tone. "Who in their right mind would not complain?"

"Somebody is feeling feisty today, hm?" Kenric hummed, slipping his hands under Archie's shirt as he placed them on his waist. "We shall see how feisty you are when I have writhing underneath me. You would not be fighting me then, but begging for me instead."

"Are you sure about that?" Archie spoke, his voice soft as he looked up into Kenric's eyes. Kenric was running his hands up and down Archie's bare skin now before one of them snaked backward.

"Do not test me, my sweet one. Do not tempt me, either. Not unless you want me to have my way with you right here and right now," Kenric said as he palmed Archie's ass.

"Do it," Archie replied without wasting a single heartbeat. "I dare you."

"You dare me?" Kenric repeated, the corner of his lips rising in a smirk as Archie nodded confidently.

"I do," Archie answered, licking his lower lip in anticipation of what Kenric had in store for him.

Kenric took a step back, making Archie furrow his brows in confusion. He walked towards the door, but instead of leaving, he locked it. Archie could not help the smile that found its way on his face, but that soon changed into an expression of surprise as Kenric turned to face him again.

The way that Kenric was inching towards Archie as if he was a tiger ready to pounce on its prey, electrified the stable boy. There was a hunger in his eyes. Archie took a step back, and then another, until the back of his knees hit the edge of his bed.

"Remove your shirt," Kenric ordered.

Without a thought, as if his hands had a mind of their own, Archie's fingers started untying the lace of his shirt. He then pulled it off as he waited for his lover to instruct him further.

"Your shoes and your pants, too." Kenric's voice held its usual authority, but it was not the same as the one he used with his fellow knights or citizens. This was different in a way that Archie could not explain. It was commanding, yet kind.

Archie did as was told, standing in front of Kenric in just his underwear. Kenric's eyes trailed up and down Archie's body, his jaw tightening. From the bulge that was forming in front of his pants, Archie could tell that Kenric liked what he was seeing.

Kenric said nothing, as he slowly started untying his shirt, before removing all of his clothes one by one. Unlike Archie, who had just thrown his clothes carelessly on the floor, the prince folded his neatly before placing them on the chair.

He could not risk them getting wrinkled, they both knew that would raise suspicions, something they could not afford.

Kenric had taken off his underwear too, his erection standing proudly in attention. Archie gulped lightly as he remained frozen right where he stood. His eyes roamed Kenric's naked body shamelessly, taking in the rich and gorgeous sight. Sometimes he really could not believe that a man like him, the warrior prince that all the kingdoms feared, was in love with Archie, a mere stable boy.

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