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Chapter 23: Follow You To Hell

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"Border patrol?" King Godric repeated with a soft frown as he looked at his brother. "I was under the impression that our western borders were already secure."

"They are, but I have been hearing reports of a rebellion in King Alfred's kingdom and rogue activities around that area so I want to ensure that there are no vulnerable stretches that they could use to trespass and hide in our land," Kenric justified.

It was partly true, but he usually would have sent a group of knights for such a task instead of going himself. Besides, Kenric was confident in the security of the western borders as most of the land was protected via mountain ranges, and the few spots that someone could use to come into their kingdom were well-guarded.

"What about the soldiers already stationed there?"

"Long hours standing watch without any activity...you know how it gets. I do not want them to lower their guard. A visit would be good for their morale and I can personally make certain that there are no lapses in our security," Kenric spoke.

"Will you be sending word of your visit?" Godric asked.

"No," Kenric replied. "They will put their best foot forward and prepare in advance. I do not want that. I want to see how they would be performing their duties on any random day."

"I see," Godric hummed. "And who will you be taking along you?"

"Archie and Sir Christian," Kenric answered without missing a beat. The king's expression changed immediately upon hearing the names as he gave the prince a pointed look.

"So is it just border patrol or are you going because you want time alone with your lover?" Godric said and Kenric would have been pissed at the accusation but he knew where his brother was coming from.

Considering there was a spy reporting their every move back to Prince Edward, it was not the best idea for Kenric and Archie to go somewhere alone with just one other knight. He could potentially walk into an ambush and hand Archie right into his enemy's hands on a silver platter.

"You know how seriously I take my duties, brother. I would not be going if I did not believe this was a matter of our kingdom's security. It has nothing to do with Archie and me," Kenric stated.

It was indeed a matter of the kingdom's future. Just in a different way than what Kenric was telling his brother.

"Then why take him with you?" Godric questioned.

"I do not want to risk him being alone here until we find out who the spy is, as I do not know how long this journey would take me. Sir Christian knows the western land better than me, so I cannot have him stay here with Archie either," Kenric lied.

"Uh huh." Godric paused, taking a minute to think before nodding. "All right, you may go."


"But only if you take another knight with you. Sir Arlo is from the west too, is he not? Take him and visit his home. His family could not come to the ball and we need their alliance, so this would be a show of good faith," Godric said.


"No buts," Godric cut him off again. "I know diplomatic relations are not your area of expertise or even interest, but you need to be on in it. After all...after all James would need someone to teach him once I am gone."

"Do not remind me," Kenric muttered, looking away. He hated how his brother had accepted his fate, how he was so okay with the idea of dying soon. If only he had the will to fight and try to find a cure... Kenric knew he had tried, but he wanted to keep trying. To not give up.

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