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Chapter 19: A Sister's Anger

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Kenric moved as fast as he could, not caring for anyone who tried to stop him. He knew Archie was smart enough to not leave with Prince Edward voluntarily, so his mind was already going to all the dark places. Especially after Godric had pointed out how his enemies could use Archie against him.

Kenric would rather die than let anyone hurt Archie.

Which was precisely what they would want.

Kenric was used to being under pressure, he knew stress and he knew when he had to act first and think later. Which was what he tried to do as he looked for Archie. But this was not a battle or a quest, this concerned the man he loved, so he could not help but feel agitated.

It did not take long for Kenric to finally find the two men in one of the empty rooms. Kenric was once again enraged as he charged at the blond, about to give him a taste of what he was capable of but Archie stopped him midway, wrapping his arms around Kenric to stop him. Kenric took a deep breath in, calming down as he looked all over at Archie, making sure he was not hurt.

"I'm fine, Ken," Archie muttered. He did look okay, physically at least. Kenric turned to face Edward once again, glaring at the bastard who just would not leave his lover alone.

"How many times do I need to tell you to stay away from Archie?" Kenric spoke. "I am at my wit's end. You would not be breathing right now if it were not for him holding me back."

"You really think you could kill me?" Edward scoffed. "I am the future king of—"

"I do not give a single fuck who you are. I have killed men far greater and stronger than you. You are nothing but a nuisance to me," Kenric retorted.

"You know, I have been very nice to both of you," Edward snarled. "But I really think you have been taking advantage of my generosity. Let us see what you do when I announce your sinful proclivities to all the guests. Ah, how quick they will be to tie you to a—"

"You will do no such thing!" Another voice interrupted the three men, making them all look at the entrance of the room. Princess Eleanor stood there, her expression filled with both fury and determination.

"This does not concern you, Ellie. Leave," Edward said through gritted teeth.

"I have stayed quiet for far too long, brother, but not anymore," the princess continued. "You will not say a word about Kenric to anyone. You will forget whatever you know about him. And you will tell Father that you were wrong for proposing a marriage between him and me."

"And pray tell, sister, why would I ever do that?" Edward asked, seeming vexed.

"You do not want people to know that you are a bastard, am I correct?" Eleanor replied, shocking everyone. The color drained from Edward's face in an instant as he grew pale, his eyes wide like saucers. "Or that you got my handmaiden pregnant two years ago. Your daughter is beautiful, by the way, you should pay her a visit sometime."

"How do you..."

"You are not the only one with eyes and ears in the castle, brother," Eleanor said. "Mother told me about her affair when she was on her deathbed. Thankfully you look like her so father never suspected. Imagine how enraged he would be if he found out his dear late wife was sleeping with his most trusted advisor and how his eldest son is not his own."

"You would not dare tell him!"

"You would lose the right to the throne," Eleanor continued. "You know how angry father gets. He might just execute you, especially if I tell him that you have known the truth your whole life. No wonder mother could never look at you the way she did her other children."

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