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Chapter 31: Trust And Ties

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"You have a lot of books," Sybil commented, running her finger along Archie's collection. They were mostly gifts from Kenric, though he could not tell the woman that.

"They belong to the library, Prince James and I read together sometimes." Not a complete lie.

"Prince James?" Sybil raised her brows in surprise as she turned to face Archie, who was sitting at the edge of his bed with the plate on his lap. "I heard that you were teaching him archery too."

"I am," Archie nodded.

"And King Godric did not object to that? No offense, I know you are a great archer, everyone saw that at the tournament but... you know how nobles are when it comes to associating with commoners like us," Sybil said with a sad smile on her face.

"He is okay with it," Archie replied. "The King does not hold the same rigid beliefs as most other nobles."

"I see," Sybil hummed. "Neither does Prince Kenric, I assume? You both seem like friends."

"We grew up together," Archie cleared his throat, taking a bite of the bread. "We have been friends since."

"Must be nice," Sybil spoke, she continued when Archie passed her a confused look. "Being friends with royalty."

"It's okay," Archie muttered awkwardly, looking down at the food.

The two remained quiet for a moment as Sybil came and sat down next to the stable boy. Archie shifted a little to the corner of the bed. Even though they were not touching, he still felt like Sybil sat too close to him for his comfort.

"How was your journey with the prince? I have always wondered what they are like, you know? They sound so adventurous and fun!" Sybil exclaimed excitedly. "Of course, I am a woman so I can never go on one, but I can live through you. Will you tell me, please?"

"It was all right," Archie answered. "Nothing special. Traveling for days on end and sleeping with bugs crawling all over you, eating half-cooked... these quests are not as glamorous as they sound. You are not missing out on much, trust me."

"Ah, you are so modest!" Sybil said, keeping her hand on Archie's arm. Archie froze, his eyes widening as he almost choked on his food, causing him to cough rather violently.

"Archie! Are you okay?" Sybil asked, concern dripping from her voice as she patted Archie's back before rubbing her hand up and down.

Archie kept the food aside as he stood up, breaking free of the woman's hold. He disguised his actions by walking over to the table and getting himself some water to drink. Sybil remained seated on his bed, an innocent expression on her face that Archie was beginning to grow nervous by.

He needed to let her down, but he did not know how to as she had not said anything to him directly. Nonetheless, he did not want her to assume she could have any sort of future with him. And frankly, the subtle advances made him uncomfortable.

"I, uh, I forgot I have to run to town. Need to pick up hay for the—"

"Do they not deliver—"

"They do! Usually! But Benny is sick, you see, so his mother asked me to come pick up the feed. It skipped my mind and I should go now otherwise the sun will go down and then...um, I should leave now, yes," Archie spoke.

"Okay," Sybil frowned softly as she stood up, running a hand over her dress to smoothen it out. "I will see you at supper, then."

Archie said nothing in return, only nodded as Sybil walked to the door. She stopped right next to Archie, passing him a smile as she touched his arm again with her fingertip. She lingered for a couple of moments, before finally leaving through the door.

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