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Chapter 20: Beat Of His Heart

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It was not even three days later that the highlight of all the conversations became the alleged extramarital affair of one of the Lords from the West, apparently with a handmaiden.

Archie was not complaining, it was nice to finally not hear Kenric's name along with ridiculous rumors attached to it all the damn time. Even though Sir Christian had put the fear of God in most of them, it was still pretty much impossible to shut down the gossip until, of course, they found something else to latch on to.

Archie and Kenric still had not quite fallen into their old rhythm. The knowledge that there was a spy or even spies in the castle that were watching their every move had put both of them on edge, and they were being extra careful with when and where they met. Especially if the spy was so in-deep that they knew about the hidden chamber.

Kenric was taking more precautions than before. He even managed to get a ragged, old robe to disguise himself with for the next time he was to visit Archie's room at night.

He did not waste time informing Godric about what Archie had told him. Though he conveniently left out telling him that Archie had been to the secret chamber or even knew of its existence. Godric grew even more worried about whoever it was that was betraying them, and his fingers were itching to find them and execute them for treason.

The brothers could not afford to trust anybody at that point. The spy could be anyone, from a royal advisor to a servant, or even both. They now had to be careful with how much they revealed in the council meetings as well, until the culprit was weeded out.

"I want Archie to teach me!" Exclaimed a familiar voice. The stable boy was in one of the stalls, tending to a horse, when he heard some commotion outside. He stood up and wiped his hands clean before going to check it out.

Much to his surprise, the King was there to pay him a visit along with Prince James.

"Your Majesty," Archie bowed in respect.

"Rise, Archie," Godric said politely.

James seemed annoyed at something as he stood there with his arms folded in front of his chest and an adorable pout on his face. He immediately left his father's side, rushing over to Archie as he pulled at the sleeve of his tunic.

"You will teach me how to shoot, will you not? You won the tournament and you are the best in the kingdom, so I wish for you to train me!" James spoke, confusing Archie. He had access to the most experienced teachers in the kingdom, yet he wanted Archie to be his mentor.

"Like I keep telling him, I am sure Archie already has a lot on his plate. It is not nice for you to force him into teaching you, James," Godric said with a sigh, seeming tired of dealing with his son's tantrum. "We will find you the second-best archer in the kingdom, all right?"

"No! I want Archie! He is my friend and I want him to be my mentor!" James argued with a huff.

"James..." Godric gave the young kid a stern look, making James frown as he stepped closer to Archie as if trying to hide from his father. Godric's expression softened as he exhaled deeply yet again, before glancing up at the stable boy. "Fine. But only if he wants to and has the time for it. Archie...there is no pressure at all. You can say no if you want to. I will not be mad, and neither will James be."

"Please, Archie?" James asked, looking up at the man as he gave him his cutest possible puppy dog face. Archie could not help but melt, and he did not have it in his heart to say no.

Not because it was the crown prince that was asking him, or the King, but simply because he had a soft spot for James. He was already going to be training two kids, so what was one more?

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