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Chapter 14: Empty Victories

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Kenric's blood was boiling.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Edward's words left him in such a shock that he stood on his spot motionless until the siblings were out of his view. He did not know what else he would have done had that not happened. He would not put it below himself to take out his sword. So maybe it was a good thing that he was too stunned to respond as that would have definitely led to a war. Though he would have really liked to show him his place.

Kenric had so many questions circling his mind. How did Prince Edward know who Archie was? How did the blond know he was participating in the tournament?

And most importantly...how did he know that Kenric was going to visit Archie?

Did he know what was going on between the two men? Kenric believed that he was being careful. He had not even met Archie since the royals arrived, so it was impossible for Edward to have seen them together. Only Godric and Sir Christian were aware of their relationship, and Kenric trusted them. It could not have been them...so then who?

Was there somebody else in the castle who was aware of what was going on between Kenric and Archie? A rat? A spy? Someone who worked for King Alfred?

Was this the only secret that they knew? Or were there more? Suddenly, Kenric did not feel as secure anymore. He felt exposed. Vulnerable. He did not care much for his safety, but he would rather die from a thousand cuts than let any harm befall Archie again.

Kenric's head was spinning. He was torn between going to Archie. To see him and to ask whether he had any clue regarding what Prince Edward was on about. But on the other hand, he was no longer sure that nobody was watching them. It seemed like too big of a risk to take, so with a heavy heart Kenric returned to his chamber.

The next morning was worse than the night before. Kenric was used to planning battle strategies and figuring out what his enemies' weaknesses were on the field. What he was not experienced in were games of politics. He was out of his comfort zone, and that scared the prince.

Kenric wanted to go to his brother first thing, but the tournament was starting and both of them had too much on their plates. Kenric had to control the urge to not confront Edward at breakfast, and for the first time, the prince reminded Kenric of his father. King Alfred was a scumbag, he was a conniving son of a bitch and it seemed like the apple did not fall too far from the tree.

This made Kenric wonder how Princess Eleanor turned out the way that she was. She seemed too pure for the men in her family. But now Kenric was all the more hesitant to put any trust in her either. What if she was just putting up a façade that Kenric had been too blind to notice? Nothing was certain anymore.

For the time being, Kenric had to keep the matter to himself. Edward had not made any threat, so maybe Kenric was simply overthinking it. Maybe there was a spy or maybe all he knew was that Kenric and Archie were friends, it was not like that was a secret. Kenric pushed the thought to the back of his mind until he could talk to Godric or Archie about it.

The tournament was starting, Archie was going to be there, and Kenric had to win.


Sir Christian apparently did not have enough, and he once again convinced Archie to grab him some blueberry pie from Francis. Archie was amused at the knight's love for pies, and this was the least he could do so he enabled his addiction.

However, Archie made his way out of the kitchen as fast as he could after procuring a slice for the knight. It seemed like the only topic of conversation the servants had these days were the two alleged 'lovebirds' of the castle. The last thing that Archie wanted to hear about was how beautiful they looked as a couple and how grand their upcoming wedding would be.

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