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Chapter 4: Witch Of The West

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"Going somewhere?"

Archie flinched at the sudden interruption, almost dropping his bag. He turned around, facing Sir Christian who was standing behind him with a casual smile on his face.

"Yes," Archie nodded. "I am heading to town. I need to go to the apothecary."

"Why is that? Everything okay?" the knight asked, furrowing his brows in worry.

"Holly is sick, I need herbs for her," Archie answered with a soft frown.


"One of the horses," Archie clarified. Sir Christian said an 'oh' as he nodded in understanding.

"Well," Sir Christian paused. "Would you mind some company?"

"I would not," Archie smiled. "But do you have the time to spare?"

"I have nothing else to do," Sir Christian shrugged. "Besides, I have been meaning to go into town. I do not get many chances to do that without my armor on."

With that, the two friends headed out. Archie had never thought he would become friends with a knight, or that he would become friends with anyone that would still be willing to be around him after knowing his secret. But Sir Christian did not seem to care about Archie and Kenric's relationship. So it was a breath of fresh air to be around him.

"Was the prince angry after he found out you went on the quest without him?" Sir Christian asked as they walked through the streets.

"A little. Nothing I cannot handle," Archie muttered. He paused, wondering why Sir Christian would ask this. "Do not tell me he said something to you."

"Maybe," the knight chuckled, making Archie sigh. "Do not worry. It was nothing I could not handle."

"He can be a little overprotective," Archie replied.

"He is a prince and a warrior. Of course, he is overprotective," Sir Christian said.

"Still. It was not your fault. You did not even know that he did not want me going on quests without him. He should not have said anything to you," Archie retorted.

"You could have gotten hurt. You are not trained," Sir Christian spoke matter-of-factly.

"Get hurt by what?" Archie scoffed. "There was not any threat. Just a pack of wild wolves."

"Why do you sound sad about that?" The blonde asked, raising a questioning brow before his inquisitive look turned into a smirk. "Are you looking for adventure, Archie the Archer?"

"I am not," Archie mumbled. "Besides, I am a stable hand. What would I even do for adventure?"

"Well, you could..." Sir Christian trailed off, he looked as if he was deep in thought, but could not come up with anything. Archie glanced at his face, before scoffing.

"Exactly. There is nothing!" Archie exclaimed. "Unless I go south."

"South?" The knight let out a light chuckle. "What would you do in the South?"

"Fight man-eating beasts and slay soul-sucking witches, what else?" Archie joked, but the knight did not laugh.

"It is not funny, you know," Sir Christian muttered, his lips pressed in a thin line. "South is dangerous."

"Do you believe it? The rumors about the monsters and wizards?" Archie questioned. When the other man did not answer, staring right ahead at the street with an expressionless face, the stable boy continued. "Have you ever been there?"

"Once or twice."

"What did you see?" Archie asked his undivided attention on the knight. Sir Christian did not answer immediately until he turned to face Archie, a grin breaking on his face.

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