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Chapter 26: Looks Can Be Deceiving

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"A warlock," Sir Christian clarified. "I am a warlock."

Archie did not know what to say or how to respond to the revelation. His closest friend, someone he trusted, was not human, and he had been oblivious to it all this time. Saying that he was shocked would have been an understatement. On the other hand, for Kenric, it only confirmed the doubts that he had been having for the past few days.

"Magic has been outlawed for decades. You know what would happen to you if you were to be found, so why...why would you become a knight? Be at the castle where your secret is most vulnerable." Kenric questioned.

"It is a long story," Sir Christian muttered, glancing between the two of them. "One we do not have time for right now. We need to find the witch and get back before sunset. Otherwise, the portal will close, and we will have to wait until tomorrow, and well, if you thought that creature was scary, then you do not want to witness what all comes out when it is dark."

Knowing Sir Christian's identity made Archie feel so goddamn stupid. They would not have had to make this journey in the first place if they were aware that they already knew a warlock. The entire quest felt redundant, but they were too far along to turn back now, so Archie could only hope the witch would tell them something that Sir Christian could not.

"We want answers, Sir Christian," Kenric stated. "Be it now or later, but you will tell us everything."

"Trust goes both ways, Your Highness. How do you expect me to lay my cards in front of you when you are hiding yours from me?" Sir Christian retorted, making the prince bite his tongue in annoyance.

"You are in no place to argue. You have lied to me, to the King, and to everyone else for years! You have deceived us and—"

"What was I supposed to do? Live my life in hiding forever because of what is in my blood. I did not choose to be a warlock; it is who I am, and the only times I have used magic in the castle have been to help you two." Sir Christian added

"You have still broken laws."

"To save you and—"

"Will you both shut up for heaven's sake?" Archie snapped loudly, and the two immediately stopped as they turned around to face the stable boy. Archie's face was flustered red, and he looked frustrated beyond measure. "Are you both children? Answer me!"


"Then fucking act like it and get over this! Sir Christian, I get you had your reasons, but you did lie to us about who you are. And Ken? All Christian has done is help us every step of the way, and we would not be here without him. So can you both stop arguing for now so that we can move ahead? We have a task to do and you two are busy bickering like kids," Archie finished.

"Fine," Kenric muttered, his voice bitter as he looked away with his jaw locked tight. "Lead the way, warlock."

Sir Christian nodded, shooting Archie a grateful smile that the stable boy did not return before turning to the left and starting to walk. Kenric and Archie followed behind him, silence among the three. Archie took the time to look around his surroundings, Kenric was doing the same, though their reasons were far apart.

Kenric was on high alert, his sword in his hand as he was ready to fight anything and anyone that was to come at them. At the same time, Archie was busy observing how different the forest was from anything that he had ever seen before. He had the urge to touch and feel everything on his fingertips, but he remembered Sir Christian's warning and stayed at arm's length from all the flowers and insects he came across.

Archie watched in awe as a yellow butterfly that shined as if its wings were made of the most valuable gold flew by them. Archie's eyes followed as it landed on a tree, before turning into a small golden bird.

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