Not Just Another Boy Next Door - Chapter 1

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I thought staying at the shore with my aunt for the summer would be a peaceful, quiet way to end my high school years before I set out for college and start my new life.

However, that was before I met Beck and he crashed into my summer plans...literally.

5 weeks ago...

"I don't mind running to the store, Aunt Loren. It's only a couple blocks away."

She brushes her dirty gardening gloves off, wiping the sweat from her brow with the back of her arm and smiling up at me from the carrots she's tending to. "Are you sure, Rome? I feel guilty making you ride your bike, but the jeep won't be out of the shop for another day or two..."

"Seriously, it's no biggie. Do you need anything other than creamer?"

"Hmm, I don't think so. Maybe some noodles to make pasta later for dinner if that sounds good to you?" Her voice is hopeful and luckily I am definitely not a picky eater, grinning widely at her and giving the thumbs up.

"That sounds good to me. See you soon!"

"Thanks, Rome. You're the best. The miscellaneous cash is in the jar on the fridge, make sure to grab a little extra and get yourself a snack or something."

Hopping onto my bike and heading down the street, I breathe in the cool breeze and enjoy the wind blowing through the curls of my short brown hair. I pass by the mailman who waves at me so I wave back, surprised by the huge difference in friendliness between here and my beloved home back in New York City. Although I love where I'm from and miss it dearly, I am definitely not used to strangers waving at me with huge grins on their faces.

My aunt lives in a quaint, adorable shore town called Tidal Sands Village. There is not a single piece of litter on the ground or a cloud in the sky; it is straight out of a Hallmark movie. Coming down here for the summer was my dad's idea, thinking I should get away from New York for the summer to "get some fresh air and maybe read a book or something." Truthfully, at first I was dreading coming down here, thinking I'd be bored without my friends or the big city. But so far, it's actually been pretty nice to escape, sleeping in every day and hitting the beach in the afternoon. Aunt Loren doesn't hover which is something I really appreciate about her, although she did give me one unbreakable rule in her welcoming speech my first day here.

"Just please, Rome, never run off somewhere without telling me. I would never forgive myself if I let something bad happen to you, and your dad would never forgive me either. If you're going out, just let me know the major details so that I know you're safe. Okay?"

"Yes, of course. I promise." It was an easy promise because it's not like I was planning to go to some rager or sneak into clubs or something. I've mostly just been relaxing and enjoying the sun, finally cracking open a book that's been sitting on my shelf for at least a year.

I make it to the convenience store and hop off my bike, leaning it against a bench while I run inside. It doesn't take long at all before I've got a tote bag in my hand with hazelnut creamer and a box of pasta, climbing back onto my bike and heading back to Aunt Loren's house to put away the groceries.

Maybe I'll head down to the beach again later to read some's just so nice out today.

Seagulls call out loudly above, distracting me momentarily as I turn around the corner going a little faster than I normally would. The wind is literally knocked out of me, however, when I collide into another teenage boy on a skateboard, both of us falling onto the ground and crashing hard into each other. He lands first on the ground and I tumble right after, ending up on top of him but quickly rolling myself off.

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