Chapter 11

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The recreation room is impressive to say the least, with more technology and games than I could ever dream of.

Beck gestures towards the pool table first, giving me a tour of the different accessories that go with it. The cue sticks look incredibly fancy and the pool balls are organized in the center triangle, glossy and appearing brand new as if they haven't been used yet. My eyes grow wide when I notice the various old-school arcade games lined up against the wall nearest to us, their colorful lights and inviting music pinging brightly all around me. There is a foosball table not far from the pool table, sparking a pang of nostalgia in my heart. My dad always loved playing foosball when I was a kid, teaching me the tricks of the trade when I'd lose or get frustrated.

"Now Rome, remember what I told you. Keep your eyes on the prize. Focus on the ball."

Beck continues showing me around, ending the tour once we reach the elaborate video gaming area. He plops down on the sleek computer chair and I decide to sit by him, albeit separately, on the available loveseat. The screen chimes on as Beck starts messing with the controller, flipping through his game library and smiling in my direction. "So, what do you think?"

"This place is seriously awesome. I love the foosball table, it's been forever since I played."

"Well what are we waiting for? We have to play then!" He hops up unexpectedly and tosses the controller right onto the chair haphazardly, walking over to the foosball table and sighing in playful annoyance when I don't get up right away. He calls out my full name in an elongated fashion, emphasizing the 'oh' and acting sillier than I have ever seen him. "Roooooooman, why does it always take you 3-5 business days to follow me?"

Oh my God, who is this person?

I laugh, jumping up from my seat and making my way over to him. Attempting to appear calm despite my internal anxiety, I grin at him and grab my end of the handles with confidence. "Well bring it on, then. I used to be the reigning foosball champion at my house."

"And how old were you during your reign, champ?"

"Probably like ten." We both crack up at the admission, knocking at the ball with the little foosball players and talking smack when I finally make the first goal against him. "See! What did I tell ya? I still got it."

"You sure do." Beck responds and sounds sincere, his answer catching me off guard enough for him to secure his own goal. We go back and forth until he officially ties up the score, continuing to taunt me. "You know, you're good...maybe I got it too." He adds the last part with a wink and my heart does that weird fluttering thing, my pulse spiking and my hands growing clammy. I lose my ability to form words, trying to come up with literally anything to say that won't sound completely stupid. 

"Well, next goal takes the game. What do I get when I win?" Attempting to sound confident and relaxed, Beck grins and raises his eyebrow like he commonly does when contemplating a question, placing his thumb and pointer finger on his chin as if in deep thought.

"Hmmmm...." He draws out the word and then meets my stare, a twinkle in his brown eyes that I haven't seen before making a grand and breath-taking appearance. "Let's make that a surprise."

Oh, boy. Another surprise.

What does he have in mind? Is he flirting with me or is he going to make me eat worms or something like we're in the 1st grade?

"Why does everything always have to be a surprise, huh? Let's just come up with something."

"Oh, Roman. Life's more fun without asking so many questions all the time. And it's a lot more fun when everything is a surprise." He rolls his eyes and I sigh, shaking my head in discouragement.

"You know I hate being called Roman."

"Well, duh. That's why I do it." I open my mouth for a witty retort but stop dead in my tracks, the twinkle in Beck's expression developing into what I can only describe as a smoldering gaze directed right at me. I grab the foosball handles and look away from him, instead diverting my eyes back to the little wooden players that are much less cute and much less intimidating.

"So...a surprise then? You're on."

To be continued...

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