Chapter 6

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Aunt Loren promises not to tell my dad about my little "escapade" as she calls it...but she did ground me for the entire week which I couldn't really argue with. I spend the next seven days helping her in the garden and doing chores around the house, trying my best to earn her trust back.

"Rome, can I talk to you for a minute?" She calls to me from the living room so I set my pop tart down, heading over and sitting next to her on the couch.

"Is everything okay, Aunt Loren?"

"Yes, of course. I just wanted to discuss last week...with Beck. I know that you didn't mean to scare me and I've been thinking about what happened. You said you guys just walked around and hung out for a while?"

"I really am so sorry. Beck was going through some stuff and just...wanted to get away for a while. I didn't realize how much time had passed, honestly."

"I believe you, Rome. But for future reference, just ask me next time, okay? I panicked when I came back from the bathroom and you guys weren't there. I searched everywhere and had to force myself not to overreact and call the cops. I wouldn't have had any problem with you hanging out with your friend."

"You're totally right, Aunt Loren. I'm so sorry. If it's any consolation, I don't think we'll have to worry about Beck coming around much in the future anyway. I'm pretty sure I screwed that friendship up."

"I'm sure you're being too hard on yourself, Rome. I actually think he has quite the crush on you." That peeks my interest, my eyebrows raising at her words. She smiles at me, grinning from ear to ear.

"What makes you say that?" I ask her, trying to hide the excitement that stirs in my belly.

"Well for one thing, the stuffed dragon and ridiculous teasing was a dead giveaway. And second, you should see the way he looks at you when you're not paying attention." My heart flutters against my will, the hope flourishing although I know it's a moot point. Beck left me alone, in the dark, which can really only mean one thing.

He definitely doesn't want anything else to do with me.


Time passes slowly, with Beck clearly going back to avoiding me at all costs.

The sun is bright in the sky as I ride my bike a couple blocks over, heading to the local bookstore Page Turner to see if they have anything new in stock. The bell above the door rings as I enter, the air conditioning greeting me with a blast of cool air. I head over to the young adult section first and then check out the science fiction area, taking my time to peruse the titles and read the blurbs on the back of the covers.

A shuffle to my left diverts my attention and I look over, immediately whipping my head back to the book titles once I see who is standing several feet away but unmistakably beside me. My chest gets that same nervous feeling and my hands start to sweat, my anxiety increasing by the second as I decide if I should say hello or not.

Beck. Beck is here in the to me.

Stop being a coward. Just say hi.

"Hey, Beck. How's it going?" I attempt to keep my cool as I talk but instead the words come out rushed and nervous. I could kick myself for even speaking but there's no time to regret it now, especially not once Beck hits me with his response.

"It's going." His tone is stiff, cold...unwavering.

Ugh. He sounds like he couldn't care less that I'm here. This is so embarrassing.

"Oh, uh...right. Well, it was nice seeing you. Bye." I set down the book that I didn't even realize I had a death grip on until now, placing it back where it belongs before making a beeline for the exit. My cheeks feel flushed and my heart is about to burst through my chest, the overwhelming urge to vomit from mortification slamming into my stomach.

Oh my God. I am actually about to throw up.

I rush over to the nearest trashcan outside and puke my guts out, retching loudly although I try my best to stifle the sound. Someone comes up behind me and puts their hand on my shoulder, a comforting gesture that takes me by surprise. Once I finish heaving I wipe my mouth off on my sleeve, beads of sweat dripping down my forehead one by one.

"Are you okay?" The person asks me, only I know by the voice that it is Beck. I cannot decide if I'm more embarrassed or shocked that he followed me outside, a tide of emotions flowing through my body.

"Yes...thanks. Sorry. I'm gonna' go home now." I force myself to stand in an upright position and he releases my shoulder instantly, taking a couple steps backward to give me some room. Walking over to my bike, I undo the chain and kick up the brake, hopping on and preparing to make my escape.

"Wait, hold on." Beck's voice calls out to me and I turn around, painfully wondering if he's going to mock me for throwing up.

"Yes?" I ask him, desperately wanting to hide under my covers and forget this day ever existed.

"I'm sorry. About last week, I mean. I don't like to be that. I guess maybe I overreacted."

Wow. I wasn't expecting that.

"You didn't overreact, it's okay. It was a really terrible thing to have to remember. I still stand by what I said, you know." Beck grins softly at my words, a glimmer of relief washing over his adorable features.

"Do you maybe want to hangout? I know a place...a better place." He winks and I smile back at him, feeling myself nod my head before I even realize it.

"Sure. Just let me go home and get cleaned up. I'll talk to my aunt and meet you at your house?" Beck smirks and nods back, hopping onto his own bike and trailing next to me.

"It's a date then."

To be continued...

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