Chapter 2

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I somehow manage to avoid Beck for the rest of the week, although it really isn't that surprising.

Every single day I have been checking out the door and windows before leaving the house, causing my aunt to question my sanity at least once or twice. I can't risk bumping into him again but also don't want to tell Aunt Loren what happened, especially since I already embarrassed myself enough in front of Beck on two separate occasions now. I know I'm probably overreacting but I really can't help feeling insecure about the entire situation...and it definitely doesn't help that I'm so attracted to him.

Why did he have to be so cute and also so unpleasant? Just my luck.

"Are you planning on going to the Suntastic Festival tonight? I'm sure there will be plenty of other teens there for you to hangout with, unless you'd like to go with your dear old aunt." Aunt Loren laughs at her own joke, making me smile along with her. "Plus, the food is so bad for you but so good. I get the rainbow burst cotton candy every single year. Have you ever had sweet and sour cotton candy before? You need to try it." Mulling the idea over in my brain for a minute, I decide I have no real reason to say no. I hadn't planned on going to the festival but it sounds like it could be a fun time, especially if I can eat plenty of delicious junk food.

"I'd love to go with you, Aunt Loren." Her face instantly lights up in surprise, a happy grin spreading across her face. "And by the way, you are definitely not old."

"Sure I'm not, kiddo, whatever you say. Anyways, I won't be acting my age tonight. We're going to eat and go on rides and puke and have the best time!" I crack up at her reaction and she grabs us both a glass of orange juice, further describing in colorful detail her many favorite aspects of the festival as if I'm going to change my mind on her.

She really is the best.


After two rounds on the ferris wheel and a trip around the wooden rollercoaster, I beg Aunt Loren for a snack break and she happily obliges.

We start with corn dogs and french fries, both of us already stuffed by the time we make it to the desserts. Aunt Loren orders us both a huge mountain of rainbow cotton candy, the swirls of color flecked with bits of mouth-watering sugar. My eyes pop open once my tongue registers just how sour the flavor actually is, instantly making me take a huge gulp of lemonade to wash it down.

"I warned you it was sweet and sour!" Aunt Loren jokes, giggling at my facial expression and encouraging me to take another sip of lemonade. "Maybe we should play some games for a while to let our stomachs settle? I don't mean to brag but I do have quite the talent when it comes to aiming the water guns."

I nod my head eagerly, smiling widely and tossing our trash in the nearest waste basket. "You are so on!"

The booth we approach is decorated with an assortment of prizes and flashing lights, an elderly man running it with a cheerful grin and an extravagant top hat. He motions for my aunt and I to come forward, indicating for us to take a seat next to the several other people already sitting down. "Come one, come all, for there is a winner every time at Happy Hank's shooting zone! Young lady, young man, please join us so we can get started on handing out some fabulous prizes." Aunt Loren hands the man a few dollars for the two of us, both of us taking our seat and getting our hands comfortable on the water gun handles. There is a family to our left and another woman over to our right, all of us with our eyes forward waiting for Hank to announce the start of the competition.

"Room for one more?" A familiar voice sends chills all over my skin, Beck's confident smirk nearly making my jaw drop as he hands the old man several dollar bills. He takes a seat two spots over, directly to the right of the woman next to my aunt.

"Of course, sir! Now that we have a full house, let's get started. On the count of three..." My hands shake waiting for Hank to finish his countdown, my fingers pressed tightly against the triggers of the water gun. I resist the urge to look over at Beck's face, my demeanor going from relaxed to panicked in a millisecond.

How in the world does this boy have such an effect on me?

"1...2...3! Go!" Hank's voice carries out the announcement and suddenly the challenge is on, everyone attempting to get as close to the target as possible. My aim is off to begin with but I quickly try to steady myself, determined to beat Beck at his own stupid game. I swear I hear someone call my name but ignore it, staring straight ahead as the water speeds up the tube at a rapid pace.

I think I might actually win!

"Oh my God, Roman, listen to me! A wasp is crawling up the back of your shirt!" I jerk back at the frantic warning, not even realizing whose voice it is that's calling out to me or the fact that they used my full name instead of my nickname. Jumping up in a panic, I start smacking at my clothes and shaking out the fabric of my t-shirt, worried that I'm just going to make it worse and get stung anyway but too afraid to not react.

"Rome, calm down! I don't see any wasp!" Aunt Loren jumps up from her seat to help me check my clothes, making sure the coast is clear before both of us swing around at the sound of a loud bell ringing.

"We have a winner!"

My eyes narrow at the sight of Beck grinning arrogantly, the bell at his water station flashing a red light to announce his victory. He winks at me before turning his attention back to Hank, pointing at a massive dragon stuffed animal and taking it triumphantly.

I need to walk

"Come on, let's go over there next. Maybe we'll have better luck at skee-ball." Aunt Loren seems mildly confused but agrees with a smile, linking arms with me and beginning to lead the way. Before we get far, however, I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder, causing me to turn around in shock when I see Beck standing behind me holding the purple dragon in his hands.

"For you, Roman. No hard feelings?" My brain literally buffers for a moment, unable to comprehend this mysterious yet infuriating person trying to hand me a stuffed animal.

What is he up to now?

To be continued...

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