015 : Planning For A Date ??

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You're in Saki's perspective .

I woke up to see Ichi-chan sitting up using her phone . She was blushing a little . I think that was because we were cuddling at night .. I want to make her more flustered ! So .. I moved up a little until my head was resting on her lap . I could feel her turning red ! I noticed because she became a little warmer .. Ichi-chan poked my cheek .

Ichika : Saki .. wake upp ...

She kept poking my cheek . I couldn't help but blush ! I could hear her chuckle .

Ichika : I know you're awake !
Saki : Ok , ok .. you got me ! So .. what do you wanna eat for breakfast ?
Ichika : E-eh ? I'm eating breakfast here .. with you ..?
Saki : Sure ! Rui-senpai always eats breakfast with us when he stays over . So .. why can't you ?
Ichika : Ok .. but I don't have clothes to wear !
Saki : Uhmmm .. you can just wear the clothes from last night ! I'm sure no one will notice !!!!
Ichika : Alright ..

We both got up and changed . We walked downstairs to the kitchen . The whole house was clean .. We both shrugged at each other and met Rui-senpai at the kitchen counter eating cereal .

Saki : Rui-senpai ? Did you clean the house ?
Rui : I don't like cleaning . But since Tsukasa-kun is sleeping ... I won't let him do it himself ! Don't say a word about this .
Ichika : Alright .

Ichi-chan and Rui-senpai started talking about school . While they were talking , I made some toast for me and Ichi-chan . She likes it with jam , so I put jam on hers ! Tsukasa came downstairs looking sleepy .

Saki : Morning , Onii-cha-
Tsukasa : Mhmm ..
- Tsukasa sits on Rui's lap and starts sleeping again -
Rui : Uhmmm .. anyway ! Have any fun events at school ?
Ichika : Yes ! We're going to Florida with your school !
Rui : Next week , right ?
Saki : And I heard we can have groups from a different school as well !
Rui : Oh ? Then why don't we all go together ? Tsukasa-kun , is that a good idea ?
Tsukasa : Mhm ..
Rui : Well , me and Tsukasa-kun are going to get ready now ..
Tsukasa : Wha ..? Why .???
Rui : We have a date . Remember ?
Tsukasa : Do we have to go ???
- Tsukasa jumps off Rui's lap and runs up to his bedroom -

That's it ! A date !! Me and Ichi-chan should go on a date . Where to though ..?

Ichika : Saki ?
Saki : Ichi-chan , let's go on a date !!!
Ichika : Wh-wha ?!?!
Saki : Let's go somewhere nice .. a place that would get us closer !
Ichika : Ok then ..

I grab the laptop and place it down on the kitchen counter . Me and Ichi-chan browse up places to go for a date .

Saki : What about a picnic ?
Ichika : Lots of people go on picnics now that it's summer .
Saki : Right ... Oh oh ! What about an indoor ice rink ?
Ichika : Do you even know how to ice skate ..?
Saki : Nope ..
Ichika : Welll we're stuck ..
- Saki slumps down in her chair -

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