Easy Going

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You woke up to Nami shaking your and giggling.

You don't remember much but you just get up from your bed walk over to the mirror in your guys room.

Nami starts jumping and squealing behind you as you brush your long hair down.

You make sure there's no knots in it while Nami rants about how you feel asleep in Luffy's arms and he came to tuck you in bed.

You laughed and said, "Oh yeah.. that's what happened hm?"

You walked over and put your heels on. You checked your wound and it looked so much better.

Nami linked her arm with your as you walked on the deck.

You smiled as Nami ran over to yell as Zoro because he was sleeping on the stairs.

You skipped over to Robin and did a little twirl before saying, "Good morning madame.." you did a courtesy as you both started laughing.

You waved at Sanji as he fluttered over to you.

You gave him a quick peck on the cheek and said, "Good morning Sanji.." you casually walked away as he flew to the other side of the deck slamming on the floor with blood everywhere.

You just giggled and ran over to Usopp.

You picked Chopper up and spun around with him.

You and Usopp did your handshake as you saw the swordsman on the stairs.

He was awake as a Nami walked away after giving him some hits.

"What's up Zoro?" He groaned, "hmph Nami just came over with some nonsense.." he shook his head and laid back on the side of the stairs.

You hummed a melody and skipped over to Brook and gave him a fist bump before running off and jumping on Franky's back.

"Nalani!" He laughs as he sets you down.

"Come on Onikiiiii(big bro)..." you both laugh as you pout.

You then spot the last person you needed to see.

You see Luffy playing around with Usopp and Chopper.

He was counting and closing his eyes.

You snuck up from behind him and slid your hands around his waist and whispered, "Good morning captain.." you pulled away and laughed before running away into the kitchen for breakfast.

You grabbed a waffle and stuffed it in your mouth while leaning against the kitchen counter.

"This is really good Sanji!" You exclaim as you set the table for breakfast.

Everyone files in with Zoro and Sanji already arguing.

"Well I told you to sit on that side so Robin Chan and Nalani swan can choose if they wanna sit there since Nami swan is sitting to the right!" Sanji yells as Zoro scoffs and says, "I'm gonna sit wherever I want to and I don't know what you're gonna do about it swirly brow."

You giggle and look at Robin and you both nod.

You say, "Oh no Sanji it's fine, Zoro can totally sit next to Nami yeah yeah.." you say trying not to laugh as Robin covers her mouth not letting a giggle escape.

Nami flushed red as Zoro huffs and sits beside her.

You then sit next to Chopper and Luffy.
With Franky and Eobin a cross from you and then Brook and Sanji is over on the end of the table.

Sanji serves the food and you thank him.

You all eat as Sanji pulls you out of your seat carefully as you wash the dishes.

You place them on the racks and make sure the kitchen is clean and smile as Sanji before heading out to the deck.

The news paper was coming.

The bird flew over your boat and dropped the paper. You ran and caught it and threw it up to Usopp who was standing on the edge of the boat.

"We'll be at Dressrosa quite early. About a few hours left so everyone be prepared to place anchor in a bit!" Nami calls out from the crews office and goes back in.

You all nod and relax for the time left.

You run around and play games with Usopp, Chopper and Luffy. After a while you tell them to play and you go into Nami's office.
You knock as she says, "Come in!"

You sigh and plop on a chair beside her. She draws her coordinates on the rolls of paper.

You guys talk regularly as she makes some comments.

"You need to get closer to him too you know what I mean.." she says as she draws a line across the paper.

You shake your head and laugh.

You hear Luffy yell, "Guys I see an island!"

You all rush to look as you and Usopp climb up the post and halt the sail.

Zoro drops the anchor as you let the stairs down and you all file down the docks.

"Alright everyone we're just gonna check out the island until we have more business on it, got it?" Nami questions as everyone runs off.

Your crew splits up into two groups.

Nami send you off with Zoro and Luffy's side while she needs to pick up some stuff for the ship with Franky and Sanji's side.


You all head back to the ship and get some rest.

In the morning you all set out into the island and realize now there's these red laser beams covering around the whole island. Kind of caging it in.

Luffy wants to compete for the Flame Glame fruit so you watch from backstage.

You wait in the stoned walls and cheer 'Lucy' on. He has a silly disguise in with all the other guys too.

You sit on the stoned branches as Luffy walks off the arena. "You saw what I did there Nal?" He squeals like a baby and runs up to you.

You hear someone call his name.

It was a dark figure... it stepped closer into the light. You eyes shot up as you stood.


Luffy stands there when Sabo says, "you don't think I would recognize my own brother?"

Luffy starts tearing up and you laugh as the two brothers tussle around.

He lets luffy go and gives you a bow.

"This a wonderful young lady you have here Luffy." You gives you another bow while holding your hand. You giggle as Sabo takes Luffy's spot to win the devil fruit.

Luffy gives his disguise and you guys run off.

Days Timeskip...

Luffy has made an alliance with the Heart Pirates before you guys met.

You met the captain, Trafalgar Law. He was cold but he was nice to you so it was fine.

There was something about the Smile fruit and your heart dropped.

You guys were already getting in trouble.
You knew everything there was to know about the smile fruit.

It hurt your head to think about it.

You guys all went back to the cabins to take rest, you all eat and you sit against the wall and sip your cocktail that Sanji had made for you.

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