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     You sipped your drink and watched your very handsome captain play around with Usopp and Chopper.

You giggle and see him run behind you as Usopp runs over.

He crosses his arms and says, "Come on big sis, I can't let him escape like that!" Usopp says to you as you set your drink down and touch Usopp's hand on yours so you're now the tagger.

You just walk over and tap Luffy on the shoulder, "Your it, love.." you giggle and run away behind Usopp.

It was time to get some rest so everyone headed off to their rooms as you decided to sit outside for a while.

Nami nodded at you as she left and you smiled.

You leaned your elbows on the porch railing and felt your long hair blow in the breeze.

You looked up at the stars and smiled to yourself.

You see a bird fly over and drop a note right by your feet.

You raise your brows in confusion.

You pick up the white envelope and ripped it open so you can start reading.

"Hello my princess...."

Your heart dropped.

"I have been informed you are in my country and I think we need to settle our deal or that's what I think, knowing what I can do... don't you, Nalani?..."

-yours truly, Doflimingo :)

Your hands started to shake as you got flashbacks.

You once had a agreement with this man and tried to run from it, but you couldn't.

Oh how stupid you could be...

You shoved the note in your skirt pocket as you heard someone coming.

You heard somebody in the kitchen and just followed the sound.

Luffy had just finished his snack of 6 peanut butter sandwiches and was about to turn.

You walk over and hug him as he turns around.

You don't even say anything as you feel calm laying on his chest and feeling the warmth. You grip his shirt on his back feeling hurt about the note you just read.

You felt trapped and more than anything in the world you would want the crew to be safe.

He wraps his arms around you and says, "What's wrong Nal?"

You laugh and look up at him.

"Nothings wrong Luffy." You give him closed eye smile and walk over to wash his plate.

You dried your hands and bent over to pick up the duster pan.

You finish putting everything away, you see Luffy with a blush across his face looking away from you.

You rolled your eyes and head over to his room. You waved for him to follow you and he ran over.

"Come on, let me tuck you in.." he gets in his bed and you give him a kiss on the forehead.

You grabs your wrist and pulls you on top of him. You look up shocked at he lays there with a smirk on his face.

You lay there surprised and giggle to yourself, he lays his head on your chest. He placed his hat on your head as he felt his breath steady on your chest.

He was adorable.

You ran your fingers through his hair and hummed to this song.

"My sunshine... my only sunshine... you make me happy, when skies are grey... you never know dear how much I love you... so please don't take my sunshine away.."

You ran your hands through his hair as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

He placed his lips on the top of one of your breasts and placed a soft kiss on it.

You smiled as you heard small snores afterwards.

All your worries went away as you were held in your captains arms and you drifted off to sleep.

The next day..

Sanji and the part of his group headed off to gather food and supplies while the rest of you left to gather more information about the island and meet with the Heart Pirates.

As you all walked you kept looking everywhere and you could see Robin, has started to notice.

You walk by over and whisper, "I have some buisness to take care off, can you take care of them for a while?" You point at Zoro Usopp and Luffy arguigg by over something.

She nods and smiles understandably as you run off with a faint smile.

You feel a pain in your chest to make this big of a sacrifice, but it was for them, so nothing could make you happier.

You took a deep breath and headed over to the castles where you know your gonna meet him.

You walk into the cold stone walls as shivers go down your spine.

It was an eary castle but you knew all about who ruled over Dressrosa, and the cruel power he had over it. Come on, he literally had his crew/family turn the villagers into puppets.

  You knew almost everything about this guy and you've visited before, this was the start to your cruel background. You walked through the halls and up u til your head a voice. "Nice to see you again my beautiful Nalani.." he let out a laugh.

         You roll your eye and turn around to the figure sitting on the thrown. You could recognize a few of his members. You kept a strait face and sighed.

"I came to fulfill my debt as long as you don't hurt them.." You say and he knew exactly what you meant. "... Doflimingo..". Your voice went down to whisper at the name.

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