Finally Back

151 4 12

A/n -
This one's a bit longer than my other chapters so bear with me loves <3333

Days pass as you missed the rest of the crew, hopefully they have reached the Zou Island.

You two met a guy who went by the name of Kin'emon and his best bud, Kanjuro. He was looking for his supposed son and was surprisingly nice so you like them already.

Luffy allowed them on your journey to Zou island since they had the same ambition, to settle things with Big Mom and Emporer Kaido.

You awoke the next morning with a huge bandage around your waist.

You thanked Chopper and checked on Luffy and Trafalgar.

Luffy was asleep with bandages around his wounds.

Trafalgar was drinking something with Zoro as they talked in that small cabin.

You sighed sitting next to Franky in the small cabin as the princess was now safe, along with her father.

Sabo, Luffy's brother has came to see him one last time before departing back to the Revolutionary.

You talked as Luffy was asleep for the whole day and a half and we're about to set sail.

He lay asleep in the hammock as Usopp and the others play around.

Franky starts the Coup De Burst as you all fly across, setting sail for Zou.

Luffy hasn't woke up but you fed him in his sleep every meal time and headed off to the docks at night.
Present Time...

You head out on the deck. You sit on the edge of the Sunny and swing your feet above the water.

You look up at the sky and then back at the water. There was a reflection in the glistening water, you hair blew against it.

You smiled looking up and saw a shooting star.

"I wish, on this star, to keep everyone safe, specifically Luffy, because he can be a handful sometimes." You put your hands together and blow into the wind.

You open your eyes to a pair of arms wrapping around your waist and a soft kiss on your cheek.

"I'm so sorry my love."

He looks at you bandage and apologizes sincerely.

You giggle and ask, "For what Luffy?"

He points at your wound and frowns.

You turn around and jump off the ledge.
You tippy toe and place a kiss to his scar under his eye.
"Oh that's nothing! I'm glad your safe though.."
You trailed your hands against his stomach and walked across the deck and looked over at the sky.

You glanced back and giggled.

You saw a blush across his face which made you smile.

You run away and hide behind Nami's tangerine trees as he follows after you.

You roll on the ground and plop right next to him.

You looked at his half lidded eyes which made you blush.

He picked you up and tossed you next to him in bed.

And pulled you close so you couldn't move anywhere. But it was comforting.

You feel asleep in his arms.


The part of the crew that was on the Sunny hadnt woken up yet for breakfast, but you had to get up since Sanji left with the other part of the crew.

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