What's an Intuitive Writer?

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This book is for you.

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What is this book...?

First off, we'll have an Introduction from our newly appointed rabbit Head Muse, William Tellatale, here to inspire you and keep us in line.

And then, with each subsequent episode, we will feature writers sharing their thoughts on how they use intuition in their processes—and how words appear on the page.

So, how will their thoughts help you see your own writing?

What role does intuition play in your day?

Are you the one telling your story? Or is it telling you?

So many possibilities, right?

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Here are a few quick answers to the question, "Are you an intuitive writer?" so you'll have an idea about the scope of this book...

Some brief quotes from elsewhere ahead ...

What is an intuitive writer?

"I'd be pulling from the Writing Brave Summit recently—where there were so many answers to that question—but I'd say, if you write more from instinct than planning, and you're 'feeling' your way, or 'pantsing' your stories, or you 'identify' with being an intuitive writer... it could be those things."
~ Wezley Brookz

How do you use intuition in your process?

"As for my writing style—it's complicated. I definitely started with a more "seat-of-the-pants approach." But that got me in trouble when 70,000+ words into a story, I realized I was stuck. For my next novel, I had a much clearer vision of the beginning, middle, and end—and, lo and behold, I finished it.

So, now I would say I am a "planster." I usually have a moment of inspiration for an opening—or what I think is an opening. I run with it. But about 3,000 words in, I'll stop and start to plan. Planning has evolved over the years from notecards to Scrivener corkboard to Google docs files to Evernote to, most recently, Plottr, which I love.

Originally, I made sure I had a rough idea of the middle and end. But that has evolved over time. With Plottr, I can use various templates to map out my story chapter-by-chapter. I have a good feel for the number of words I'll need per chapter/section, so with this map, I can tell when I have a novel roughed out.

I also know the things that will slow me down—titles, world-building, maps, and character info (arcs, descriptions, names, and profiles). So, I do a lot of "fore writing." I create the pieces I'll eventually need as I draft. These days I use Midjourney and ChatGPT to better visualize things and to help make the planning less tiresome. I store character and setting descriptions/images in Plottr.

Once all that is in place, I start to draft. And when I write, my plans are not law. They're usually a diving board, and I often revert to my intuitive roots. Of course, when I am done with each drafting session, I usually need to go back and account for the changes in my overall plan. And sometimes, while in the midst of planning, I find myself drafting a chapter instead of outlining it.

The bottom line is twofold:
1. My writing often inspires new ideas, which I embrace rather than shove aside. I try really hard not to have an either/or, dichotomous mindset.
2. Having a tentative plan is an important step for me. It gives me confidence that I can get the novel done.

Hope that makes sense :)"
~ W. C. Markrian

"I think intuition is primarily a perceiving function, and it is the things surrounding it that give it definitive shape. Intuition is like water. If you don't put it in a cup, it spills out everywhere and has no real shape to it."
~ Afterburner182

Do you think you're an intuitive writer?

"I don't know what kind of writer I am but I'll take it! I do think I write best when I don't think about writing—so if that's "intuitive," count me in!"
~ Gideon Easton

"I just sit down and the words pour fourth onto the page..."
~ said by, Nobody So Far

And to borrow from K_Blackwood's posting of this Oscar Wilde quote of the day, "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

So come on and join us! Contribute your comments. You never know when we might reach out for more of your intuitive insights.

This book is for you... intuitive writers!

Stay tuned for a next Introduction from our own William T.

 Stay tuned for a next Introduction from our own William T

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