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Hello, from the heart of The Muse and from myself, William Tellatale here, at your service!

I am deeply honoured to assume this new position as Chief Rabbit in Charge and to be looking after these fine, fine collections of interviews from some of Wattpad's fiercely determined, curious and intuitive writers.

Thereby, I raise you my luckiest paw in thumping great promise that I'll treasure all contributions as much as I would every carrot in my wide fields afar.

We're here to explore how each of our friends and community are thinking and working, along the same lines... a peek under the fertile soil, if you will.

(INTERVIEW QUESTIONS will be inside the next chapter for those whom we've asked to share specifically on their process.)

So here are some...


Consider & feel free to comment, at will (did you get that? ;) :

How does intuition play a role in your writing process?

Do you consider yourself an intuitive writer? (And, although I'd say we all are, you might not.)

But it's an interesting question. And I'm sure you'd likely tell me either a quite noisy, "yes!" or a much quieter "partly, maybe, perhaps" I might be an intuitive writer..."

With so many possibilities around us all now—so much power at the touch of a fingertip and the use of our voice—the end results of our "why" could send us spinning galaxies away in a very short time.

So, how do we frame each step we take, and keep up with the changes?

In all our algorithmically challenged corners of life and especially more so since the advent of AI with its dazzling deluge of ever-morphing abilities, applications and speed, how are we spearheading the force of our words to steer what we want?

And what is human domain if not the intuitive?

If I were to ask you, why do you write, it suddenly becomes rather important; and that earlier "maybe" might, possibly grow a bit wider and super-charge and challenge your future.

So, why do we write?

We all need our "reason" at heart. We need a clear mission and focus to act in a good way for ourselves and our world.

So where are we at?

Where does your heart lie?

Where is your head creating these days?

Has technology altered our path? Are we writing more or less now, or differently and how? How do you see this?

Where do stories and words really come from? And why does it matter to you or to us?

How do we honour the path that we want?

The answers to all questions are bound to vary as much as non-rabbits vary. Quite a creative bunch, really.

So think about it; think about you.

What does 'story' mean in your life? Why did you take up writing in the first place? What were your dreams and aspirations? Are you still aligned with those similar goals?

What's your reason for finding your 'tribe'?

And then consider more closely:

Does story have spirit? What exactly or where exactly is this muse we call on so often for ideas or for words? And how much power in the spirit of story is untapped or offered in such a widespread creative flow?

If you have to choose (and let's hope none of us do) but when all chips are down, do you ultimately write purely to market your product to readers?

And... What do they want?

Or, do you choose to write for the spirit of the story or from your character's voice? And then, if so, are you thoroughly muse sworn? Or writing on mission?

So many questions, and so many carrots! 🥕

But our voice does have impact! And if we are going to steer a future we want, I would propose our voice must have "heart". (After all, AI is modelled on us. Could writing with heart be any more important than it is today?)

Please join in with intuitive thoughts!

Ever musingly yours,

≈ William T.

≈ William T

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Intuitive Writer InterviewsWhere stories live. Discover now