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Welcome! And, thank you so much for sharing with us!

BRIEF INSTRUCTIONS are at the end of the interview, so...

Let's jump right in... Respond with whatever you like...

Firstly, how's bout we start here:

Do you consider yourself an intuitive writer?

What type of books do you write? And when did you start?

What does intuitive writing mean in your process? How's it important to you?

Is writing more comfortable for you now than it was when you started? Are you quicker? Do you have a system? How did you learn it? What's made it yours?

Oddly, to elaborate, I think this is the most important question for most people here: HOW do you work?

Can you describe any steps that you'd normally take? Give us a picture?

How does your day look? How do you draw on your intuition?

I think we're all curious to see if other people write the WAY that we do. Am I right?

So what role do you feel intuition plays, specifically, in the way you "form" story ideas? Do you use it to outline? To write? To plan your next moves?

Can you share some of your thoughts around the "why" you write story?

It's an intangible truth... But, hey folks, we're writers... intangible us! We do this all the time!

Hobby why's? Marketing works? Where does Wattpad fit in? Wanna talk about these things and why they're important? What exciting opportunities do you see for today's written works?

How much does technology influence the path that you see for yourself?

How can intuitive writing set flesh and blood writers apart from AI?

There are so many creative directions and reasons to write. Are you creating new inroads for yourself in finding your voice and new readers? Have you found your fit? Anything you're doing to reach out here to Wattpadders (or anywhere else) that seems it is particularly suited to your personal style?

What do you want to see for writers on whole?

And, lastly... Do you have any nuggets of wisdom to pass along from your journey to new writers? Looking back, what would you tell them?

We all appreciate this time you took sharing with us.
Many carrots to you!


& PLEASE add any questions you wish, or leave some things out. The questions are not intended you answer them all, unless you want to, and we thank you so much!

Feel welcome to list the titles or examples of your writing—at least those most appropriate to our conversation today on intuitive writing!

Emailing your interview is the easiest way to get it into this collection, if you are using email to: musesworn @ (And,I should add... PLEASE cut and paste your Q & A content into the body of the email. I'm having trouble with google docs, etc. scrambling formatting in the interviews.)

*Also watch out for the number of words. Gmail likes to cut long emails off abruptly.  Additional carrots 🥕🥕🥕 for this!

Please let us know at the top of your (first) message how to display your ... first name, @user, and any pronouns you prefer, plus how the last few words should read, so I'm sure that I have the whole thing.

[Or, if this absolutely isn't possible, send me a direct message here and we'll work it out! 🐢 🥹 ]

I had hoped the email would be quicker but for now... I'm still sorting this out... not really sure about some of this worldly tech stuff! 🐇

With all going well, I'm looking forward to perhaps being able to post one interview every two weeks.

So, from my heart to yours,

≈ for the Muse, William T.

≈ for the Muse, William T

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Intuitive Writer InterviewsWhere stories live. Discover now