INTERVIEW: Katrina Kicks Butt

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🐇 Hehe! Helloooo. I couldn't help myself with the title here. I hope you don't mind, but it seems appropriate, don't you think?

So, Katrina, let's dig into your 'workings'... Let's start with your books.

🐇 What type of books do you write? And when did you start?

🤗 I started writing over a decade ago, for myself, and always high-fantasy. I loved all genres, and throughout the years, I've dabbled in close to everything.

🐇 What does intuitive writing mean in your process? How's it important to you?

🤗 After years of trying everything, my process has become writing whatever idea flows, editing it down, and rewriting until it's something coherent. Pantsing, and then planning.

🐇 Is writing more comfortable for you now than it was when you started? Are you quicker? Do you have a system? How did you learn it? What's made it yours?

🤗 Of course. Writing's a skill, and as you continue, you'll get better and faster. I think confidence is a huge factor in how well someone writes, and as you become more competent in the process, your writing will flourish.

🐇 Oddly, to elaborate, I think this is the most important question for most people here: HOW do you work?

🤗 The most important aspect I've found to keep my writing process smoother is to sit down at the same time every day and write; even if I'm not inspired, just write. And, again, read, read, read—the bad, the good, and everything in between—you'll notice how much better your writing becomes when you consume literature all the time.

🐇 Can you describe any steps that you'd normally take? Give us a picture?

🤗 For me, the most important thing is to keep routine, or my inspiration wanes. For anyone struggling, I'd recommend sitting down in the morning or afternoon for one hour at the same time every day and writing—just a little if that's all you can manage, but it'll train your brain to be creative at those times.

🐇 So how does your day look? How do you draw on your intuition?

🤗 It's the foundation of my story planning. I go by intuition until I write the first draft, and then I go back and carve out a story that's readable.

🐇 Can you share some of your thoughts around the "why" you write story?

🤗 I write for myself, self-indulgently. Wattpad's been wonderful with finding an audience and making friendships. It's exciting to find a community of people who share the same passion.

🐇 I love hearing that!

Well then, we should ask you... Do you have any nuggets of wisdom to pass along from your journey to new writers? Looking back, what would you tell them?

🤗 I've seen a lot of self-depreciation from others about their writing abilities and even felt it myself. Wattpad is an amazing app for aspiring novelists. Think of it as a stepping stone to reaching your goals as a writer. A place for reviews, community, and learning. Looking back five years, my writing has changed immensely, and in five more years, it will again morph, because I'm always learning and changing. If you're cringing reading something you've written in the past... that's amazing.

🐇 Ooo...good one! It is amazing; and so is your work!

It's so cool to have the inside scoop on on your writerly life, behind all the drama and action you pump into stories.

Thank you so much for sharing your insights on process!

Thank you so much for sharing your insights on process!

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