INTERVIEW: Flying Fairytales, Faye!

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Hey, Faye! Welcome! And, thank you so much for creating the beautiful stories you share here on Wattpad.

I should have realized I needed to make up exciting new questions for you! You're obviously very solid and clear about the way that you work, in the things that you've said!

I'll ask the same questions and thank you for gifting your answers to us! 🙏❤️

🐇 Do you consider yourself an intuitive writer?

🤗 In some ways I am and others not. I always plan out a story so I have a clear direction of where the story as a whole will go. However, chapter by chapter I give myself the freedom to go wherever the creativity takes me. This may result in my story going down a slightly different route than I first plan, yet I always guide it back on course eventually.

🐇 What type of books do you write? And when did you start?

🤗 I write fantasy books. Retelling Fairytales has become a passion of mine. I properly started writing fantasy stories in 2019 (so I've not been at it for very long really).

🐇 What does intuitive writing mean in your process? How's it important to you?

🤗 I find intuitive writing an important part of my writing process. Not giving myself too many restrictions whilst diving into storytelling has brought about so many scenes and details I would've never put down on a page otherwise. Of course as I said in a previous answer I do keep a rough guideline in mind so that I can tie off ends easier too.

🐇 Is writing more comfortable for you now than it was when you started? Are you quicker? Do you have a system? How did you learn it? What's made it yours?

🤗 I don't think it's more or less comfortable than when I started. I feel its just the same. I also don't have much of a system. I just have to force myself to stop procrastinating and start writing. Once I get over the initial anxiety of speculative writer's block I find that the words were in there all along I just needed that push.

🐇 I love these answers, especially the term "speculative writer's block". And, obviously it makes a silly question out of my next, but it is what I asked you originally, and I (already ;)) know you won't repeat yourself, so: HOW do you work?

🤗 I write when my kids are in bed because when I enter that place where I write from I can lose hours in a blink of an eye, which is not very responsible if I'm taking care of kiddos. I block out the outside world by listening to music – usually my favourite band Nightwish (I find their sound/lyrics take me to my inner fantasy world easily).

🐇 Oh, great answer—absolutely! Definitely don't wanna to sail off from this realm with kiddies still running around! LOL I love that you find you lose hours while you write!
Can you describe any steps that you'd normally take? Give us a picture?

🤗 Once I finally stop putting writing off I get myself comfortable, read the previous chapter I've written (if I've already started the story – this is to ensure that I fully remember the details I've already laid down) I then read the plan for the chapter I'm about to write, close my eyes, picture the setting and then go for it.

🐇 How does your day look? How do you draw on your intuition?

🤗 It's a matter of setting myself up for a trip into a hyperfixated state (basically taking advantage of my ADHD brain). I have to write at night, because I tend to forget to eat if I try to write during the day. I always leave editing until the next day – after I've slept so that I am looking at the chapter with fresh eyes.

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