INTERVIEW: Brooke's Intuitive Writing

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Brooke Adams Law, Intuitive Writer,
Book Coach, Publisher and Award-winning Author

🐇 Hi, Brooke!

Welcome to the Intuitive Writers profile on Wattpad! We're honoured to have here with us you after your wonderful summit, which I know some of us had attended recently.

🤗 Hey there! Thanks for your patience.

🐇 No worries at all. You're terrifically prepared to speak on these questions, through your own wonderful publishing business and multiple summits around this topic. Please...

Tell us how you'd answer these questions.

🤗 Here are my answers!

🐇 Do you consider yourself an intuitive writer?

🤗 Definitely! Some folks call this being a "pantser" (writing by the seat of your pants), but I vastly prefer "intuitive writer." I let my intuition lead me - I can't decide ahead of time what will happen in a book. I must tune in and let it unfold.

🐇 What type of books do you write? And when did you start?

🤗 My first novel, Catchlight, came out in 2020 - but it was a 13-year journey from when I first had the seed of the idea until its release. Catchlight is about a family of four grown siblings who can't stand each other - but when their mother is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, they must figure out how to come together, not only to care for her, but also to remake their relationships with each other.

I've also published several essays and some other odds & ends, which you can learn more about at my author website. (

I'm working on my second novel right now.

🐇 What does intuitive writing mean in your process? How is it important to you?

🤗 I believe that my books already exist somewhere in their entirety, and that I'm essentially "channeling" them through. Another way to think about it is like it's an archaeological dig - I'm "digging" for the story (which is, say, a dinosaur fossil), and I'm constantly holding up sections of writing to see if they're a bone that's integral to the spine of the story, or just dirt or rocks.

In my process, I "listen" for what wants to come through, and write that. It takes a long time to shape my work into a book.

🐇 Is writing more comfortable for you now than it was when you started? Are you quicker? Do you have a system? How did you learn it? What's made it yours?

🤗 For me, getting quicker isn't really the goal - the goal is to be digging deeper, getting to deeper truths, and improving the quality of my writing and its ability to draw a reader in. I love my process - even though it takes a long time. I'm definitely not one of those book-a-year authors!

🐇 Oddly, to elaborate, I think this is the most important question for most people here: HOW do you work?

🤗 Essentially, an idea occurs to me that I think would make an interesting book. Then I free write whatever comes to mind. For a long time - like, months. I don't plot, I just "channel." I listen to the book and let the characters speak through me. I imagine dropping into a river of creativity and letting it carry me along. Often, I have absolutely no idea where it's going or even what the book is about - sometimes for months or even years.

During this time, what my process typically looks like is a word count goal, four days a week. For a long time, it was just 200 words a day. I run a business and I have two little kids who needed to be picked up at 3pm every day, so I had limited time.

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