Chapter 30

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There's the sound of shattering glass as you land hard on the floor of your bedroom. There's voices, shuffling, and other sensation that you just can't process at the moment. You can't be bothered to get up yet. You keep your head against the floor and your eyes shut, trying your damnedest to not break down right then and there. So much happened within the span of an hour or so, and you don't think you can handle it mentally.

"....(Y/N)?" And yet your family calls. You'd much rather not have to face the world for another hour at least, but you don't want to worry them. You don't have the energy to get up on your own, but you offer your surrounding company a thumbs up to signal that you're okay. One of them approaches you, and grabs you by the shoulders to help you at least sit up.

There's blood everywhere. It covers your clothes, your skin, your hair, your everything. The floor is stained. The remnants of the mirror are left around you in shards of glass that no doubt are partially to blame for the amount of blood on you. You thank whatever gods above that your potions are still working transdimensionally or you're certain you'd be screaming in pain. You also spot your scarred hand in the corner of your vision which is no doubt going to leave a permanent mark.

"(Y/N), I know you're going to hate this…" You hear a voice off to your right. What is their name again? It's male, slightly older, with a sort of gravel to their tone. There's also a hint of concern and worry. "But you need to go to the hospital. I don't think your potions and remedies are going to be enough for all of this." You can tell he's being very careful to not make his voice waver too much so that the others in the room don't panic. You still don't remember his name.

"F-Ford, is she going to be okay?" A female voice now, off to your left. She's much younger, but concern and worry is laced in her tone too. Wait, did she say Ford? "Ford…? Ford!" You suddenly snap to attention, now recognizing the people, the place, everything that's occurred. You force yourself to your feet. Ford hovers a hand around you like you might turn to dust at any moment. "Slow down! You just escaped a pocket dimension, I doubt you can…" His words slow as he realizes they're futile.

You turn around as fast as you can, admittedly not that fast, and your heart drops as you see the remains of the mirror. Only the frame is left, all the glass disappeared. There's cardboard behind it and no portal to be spoken of. It's gone. "No…Bill's still in there." Your voice trembles, your throat closing up in lieu of a sob that's on its way. "It's okay (Y/N), Bill is-" Ford tries to speak up, but you won't be hearing it.

"No! It's not fucking okay, okay Ford?! It's not okay in the slightest! I get it! I get that you all hate his guts, he tried to take over the world, he hurt a lot of people! I understand that." Your voice is coated in desperation, no tears or grief to be spoken of. "But he's changed. He's a better person now and I WISH you could see what I see. I wish you could see the kind, caring, loving man that lives with me." You suck in a breath of air, determination settling inside you. "I don't care what you say. I'm going back in there no matter how long it takes, no matter what it takes, and I'm bringing him home. With or without your help."

"Wow, that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard you say." Your whole body goes rigid. You know that voice. You feel yourself start to take breaths a smidge faster as you turn. Bill is grinning at you like the Cheshire cat. "....Bill?" You can hear the disbelief in your own voice, shock racing through you. "In the flesh." He has the nerve to be casual about it, about everything, as if you hadn't believed that he would be gone from your life. You punch him in the chest. Hard.

The wind is knocked out of him immediately. You can hear him sucking air through his teeth. "Asshole! You scared the crap out of me!" However, your anger diminishes instantly. You're so relieved. You can't stop yourself from throwing your whole body at him, hugging him with all the strength you can muster. "You scared me." Your voice drops to a whisper, your face buried in his chest. It takes him a couple more seconds to get his air back before he's gently hugging you. "I know. I'm sorry, but I'm here. I'm safe, and so are you."

The Witch in the Woods (Bill Cipher x reader)Where stories live. Discover now