Chapter 15

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    After letting your thoughts run a little ahead of yourself for a bit, Bill comes back with some sandwiches and veggies. You gladly take the food and start to chow down as he seats himself beside you and eats away at his own sandwich. Normally, thankfully. Bill and you are content to sit in silence and eat your respective meals until you both finish, setting your bowl beside your foot on the coffee table.
    “Ok, you’ve eaten. Now, you need to rest. That’s how humans heal, right?” Bill doesn’t wait for you to answer the question before he gets up from the couch and starts to pick you up. His arm goes under your knees then behind your back as he picks you up bridal style, causing you to squeak in surprise. “Bill!” You blush a light pink, using your arms to wrap around his neck for support since you didn’t want to fall. This is...embarrassing.
    “What? I’m carrying you to your room. Obviously, you can’t walk.” He starts to walk towards your room, still talking as your face turns a deeper shade of red the longer you are in his arms. Mostly because, well, it feels nice. You bury your face into the crook between his neck and shoulder, trying to hide your embarrassment. Everything about him is warm and comforting, enveloping you like a cozy blanket. And now being right up against his skin, the scent of mint and charcoal is strongly hitting your nose. It’s still strange to you, but at this moment, the smell seems to suit him. Ignoring the thought of him being a demon, him carrying you is actually really comforting. You feel safe in his arms; protected. Like if anything were to happen, you wouldn’t have to worry since he’s right there for you. Is this what physical affection is like?
    Too soon for your taste, you reach your room and Bill starts to slowly lower you down into the bed. You hesitate for several seconds, not letting go of him the entire time. You grip the back of his shirt a little tight, which makes him rise back up to full height. “Are you ok, (Y/N)? Is your foot hurting still?” He sounds concerned, which should surprise you, but it doesn’t. Instead, you grip his shirt even tighter, balling the fabric into your fists with a vice grip as if he would disappear if you let go. You’re afraid to ask, but you want to. “I just...I, um.” It’s hard to get the words out, but Bill is quiet to let you continue. “Will- Will you stay...with me? Just for tonight! I just...You’re really warm, and…” Admitting that out loud makes your face turn a new shade of red. Curse this demon for doing the things he does to you.
    Immediately, Bill starts laughing. You can feel the rumbling in his chest as it bubbles up to his throat and comes out as a deep chuckle. 'Ugh, stupid d-!' And your thoughts get cut off. “All you had to do was ask.” You glance at him from the corner of your eyes with your face still stuck in his shoulder as he starts to lower you once again. You feel the softness of the bed behind you as you finally hit the blankets and pillow, your body almost melting into it. Bill doesn’t let you go though, but adjusts himself. Once you’re safely on the bed, he holds your wrist as he starts to get in with you. He never lets you go, changing positions but always having a hand on you whether it be your back, your wrist, your shoulder.
    He gets under the blankets and pulls them over the two of you. His arms come out and wrap around your waist, gently pulling you towards him as you're suddenly against his chest again. You feel like your face is practically glowing in the low light, feeling the warmth in your cheeks reaching the tips of your ears. He puts his chin on your head and gently rubs your back with his hands, making sure that your foot is ok throughout the entire process. He’s practically doting on you.
    “You’re very cute like this, you know?” Bill suddenly breaks the silence around the two of you as you both relax in each other’s hold. You had taken to wrapping your arms around him as well, though they were loosely against him. His comment makes your face blow up in red shades and you huff. “Flattery will get you nowhere. I only wanted to do this because it’s comforting.” That is the truth after all. Whether it’s the whole truth has yet to be seen. “Mhm…” He only gives you a light hum in response, which lightly annoys you but not by much.
    You sigh after a bit, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up with you as you grow comfortable in Bill’s arms. It’s not that bad, really. You slowly nuzzle your head into his chest, your eyes fluttering shut over a passing few seconds. Bill hasn’t stopped rubbing your back and it isn’t helping in your attempt to stay awake. He seems to notice that fact as well. “You can sleep. I’ll stay here all night, don’t worry. I’ll be right here if you need anything.” Rather than be embarrassed, his words brought you a warm sense of comfort that washed over you, more so than the physical comfort you had been receiving. So many questions are popping into your head, but you decide that it can all be saved for later. At least tomorrow, when your head is less fuzzy, warm, and tired. With that in mind, you let yourself slowly slide into a nice sleep.

The Witch in the Woods (Bill Cipher x reader)Where stories live. Discover now