Chapter 5 : Is That What I Think it is?

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Opposites Attract - Chapter 5 "Is that what I think it is?"


I think its barely noon, checking my less then 20% iPhone. Harry was focusing on something. "What are you looking at?" I say trying to see the direction he's looking in.

He squints more. "Wha- wha-" he was speechless. "Harry?" I say.

"I-I think t-that's an I-I-island." he points slowly. I freeze.


I squint, as I see a tiny black dot. I eye Harry for a moment as we paddle faster with our hands.

We get there in no time, from our paddling and the waves. "Okay, we could do this." I say. As the boat pulls up on shore.

We walk around the island for a little, but it was too big to explore the whole thing. It was sunset, Harry and I have no shelter.

While Harry was getting leaves and such, I stared at the sunset.

For some reason, I've always watched sunsets. They inspire me so much.

•••Harry's POV•••

I came back, and Carmen was watching the sunset. She looked so beautiful, the way her blonde hair flows and her bright blue eyes.

I stood there for a moment, looking at her watching the sunset.

One of the branches started to slip out of my hands..... "Harry?" Carmen jumped, noticing I probably stood there, watching her. "Need help?" She ran towards me, and grabbed a few branches.

We settled under 2 slanted palm trees, near the shore, we kept the boat a side next to us, with Carmen's bag too.

I settled 2 large leaves on the floor, kinda like a blanket. I grabbed 4 large rocks and placed them on each corner to hold down the leaves.

Carmen slumped down on it, and putting her bag next to her. I sat next to her. The sun was going down when she started closing her eyes.

"Go to sleep." I smiled. "I can't leave you out here. Awake. By yourself." She pointed out. "It's okay. You girls need your beauty sleep." I winked. "Okay." She chuckled.

She grabbed her bag, used it as a pillow. Her tiny legs were pulled up to her chest, making herself warm.

I watched her for a moment. She's shivering. It's pretty chilly, and she was wearing shorts and a one shoulder t-shirt.

I went up behind her, put my arms around her waist, and used my plaid shirt to cover herself. She tensed at my touch, but eventually she relaxed.

I used my phone as light, and turned it off. I checked my messages, all from the boys and some from Veronica.

I ignored them, as I let myself sleep with the girl I liked for since kindergarten.


•••Carmen's POV•••

I woke up to an empty and cold spot. I looked around for Harry, but he was no where to be seen.

I waited and sat there, I felt dirty. Like I haven't showered. Well, I haven't. For three days. Dang.

I took off my shirt, and shorts, left on my bra and panties. I stepped a foot into the water, and all I could say is that it was cold. But it felt good cause the hot sun. I dove right in.

After two minutes of being underwater, washing my hair and stuff I rose up. And there stood Harry.

"Come in! It feels amazing!" I shouted.

•••Harry's POV•••

"Come in! It feels amazing!" Carmen shouted.

I dropped down the stuff in my hands and ran down the shore.

I took off my chinos, and my v-neck. Something else caught my eye.

Carmen was just in her bra and panties. And tell me, but she looks amazing. Tanned, fit, she's so beautiful.

"Come on Mister Styles." Carmen smirked as she pulled me in. She let go of my wrist and ran into the water, making me lose sight of her.

I dove in, as my curls turned to straight brown locks. I rose back up, expecting to see Carmen, but I couldn't see her. Where was she?

Suddenly, two small petite hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" Carmen's voice was hiding in that fake man voice.

I fake-gasped. "Oh my! Is it..." I turned around, and grabbed Carmen by her waist. I spun her as she started giggling. "Aah! Harry!" I spun her more.

"Harry stop! I-I-I can't b-b-breathe!" I tickled her. "Then say, 'Harrys so sexy and hot!'" she gasped. "Harry is so sexy and...not!" she ran out of my arms, running towards the other direction.

"I'm gonna get you for this!" I ran towards her, as she hid behind I rock. I pretended I didn't see that.

"Hmm, where is Carmen?" I asked in a suspicious voice. I tip-toed to the rock she hid behind, and shouted "Aah!" as she stumbled back, landing on her butt.

"Omg Harry! Don't scare me like that!" I tackled her, both of my knees were on either side of her waist.

Our breathing got slower, and we just stayed there looking into each others eyes.

•••Carmen's POV•••

He leaned in a little more, covering the sun in my eyes so I could see clearly.

His breathing smelt like mint, really addictive and nice. His pink, Sex God lips touched my lips. All I could taste was salt, because of the ocean but I don't care. I'm kissing the guy I never thought I'd ever kiss...

And it felt good.


Wanna see a picture of Harry & Carmen ? Go follow my twitter (@hipsterharrey) for exclusive pics, updates, & etc. (:

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