Profile OC + recording in...

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So the most important information about the OC that will be included soon.. In..

First name: Lumiel (Shadowdaughter)

Middle Name: Naira (Flaming Heart)

Age: 18 years

Hair color: white Hair

Length: To the back

Eye color: Turquoise

Origin: Kingdom of Clover

Family: Rill Boismotier (no blood brother)

Objective: Help the Kingdom of Clover to victory and save people. Also controlling their magic


"I would like to be admitted... to...

... the Black Bull!"

Shocked shouts fall down on me and I look up at the head of the order with determination. Most are just as shocked, only the leader of the Black Bull suddenly laughs out loud, his cigarette falling out of his mouth. Then when he's finished laughing, he looks at me and says: "Yes, accepted." Then I step back and walk out of the Colosseum.

Timeskip ⏭️

I sigh and wait for the leader of the Order of the Black Bull and his two dogs, who just follow him with dachshunds. Like dogs. When the head of the order sees me, he walks up to me and stares at me before starting to laugh again. I don't know why and I don't want to know either. It's definitely not important. So I ignore him.Suddenly I feel a hand on my head grabbing something roughly. It doesn't hurt, I've been through worse, and I look up. I look bored at the head of the order and wait. He just lifts me up like that while his hand is still on my head.,, Do it. Finish it."He looks at me, startled, and then his face goes back to normal. It looks bored. He shakes his head and lets me back onto the floor. He drags on his cigarette and blows his smoke in my face."If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it long ago and not accepted you into my order, brat."Don't adult men have other nicknames? Brat.. Really? At some point the leader of the order lets go of me and back on the ground, staring at me so strangely? Uh, okay... I don't care.But the way he treats his people, it's definitely not as boring as Rill, or the unmotivated prick Nozel Silva. Hmm... shouldn't I have mentioned that? Unfortunately, in God's name, I was with this stupid leader of the order for a while and this unmotivated manner really got on my nerves. At some point we got together. I'll tell you why later, but it ended up being expelled from the Order...But I wasn't part of the Order. At least not entirely. A slight pain in my head snaps me out of my thoughts. The leader of the Black Bull, my leader, looks at me like he's about to kill me. And that makes his first words obsolete. But I'm not afraid of it, yes... I would even approve of it if he killed me. Then I don't have to endure this world anymore and can, no... And finally have this burden off my shoulders. It's just so unbearable. I've wanted to end my life for a long time, but only one knows that. He, the leader of the Silver Eagle.Nozel Silva.He's an important part of my past... But nothing more. Rill doesn't know, and that's a good thing. He would only worry unnecessarily. I don't get him, he's so childish and so damn young as a Chapter leader and he's just annoying in general. I'm glad not to be with him. The same goes for the Silva idiots. I hope I have nothing to do with either of them in the future.,,Oi! I'm talking to you, you brat!"I look up and see the leader of the order. Hmm.. It seems I completely forgot about that one. Anyway, who is probably not that important anyway."What do you want, old man?"The hounds of the Chapter Leader look at me in shock and immediately back away when a strong and dark aura emanates from him. Man, they're real scaredy-cats. And such are with me? Then I hope that not everyone is like that. He grabs my head and this time I don't feel anything either."Hey old man, no matter how hard you squeeze, I still don't feel any pain!"He just keeps staring at me and still squeezes. Without success on his part. With cold and empty eyes, I stare at him. Suddenly he lets go of me and laughs at me. But he immediately becomes serious again."You're going to get so sick when we get to headquarters.""You're a true beauty, I'm m-glad you're with us."One light dark-haired comes up to me and whispers it in my ear. Ah, see, so he's a womanizer. He gives me his hand to get up as I landed on my butt when the Chapter Leader put me down to laugh at me. But I slap his hand away and stand up alone.With the way I deal with men, election to the Order of the Blue Rose would have been more appropriate. That's what most would say, but I could never go into a pure order full of women. I would go completely insane.

"Oh, Finral! We go!"

"Y-yes, Order Leader Y-Yami."

"Now wait a minute. Yami, I would like to talk to your new member for a moment. I can?"he is there The mysterious Chapter Leader of the Golden Dawn. William Vangeance. He smiles as always and this time he speaks. Yes, he spoke well in the exam, but I didn't listen. To be honest, I wasn't interested in it. My new.. My leader of the order looks at me briefly and then at the mask heini.,,If it has to be. But make it quick.""Of course, thanks Yami."He looks at me and gives me his hand, which I don't accept and step aside so that he can go ahead and I then follow him. He's going away, but not so far that I can't see the leader of my order. We're still within his reach.He wants to put his arm around my shoulders, but I take a step further away from him and it seems he got my message to him through and through. Nevertheless he smiles.,,To be honest, I was surprised that you went to Yami with your powers, your talent, even though everyone got in touch. I would have liked to take you into my order, and you know... If you can't stand it in his order, let me know. I would speak to the Mage King and pick you up immediately."He looks deep into my eyes and I stare into his purple eyes."Actually, you can't change orders, but that wouldn't be your first time, would it Naira?"Charming and false at once he looks at me. He knows it! He knows the thing, the incident with the Silver Eagle!.."You know, Nozel wanted to come to you too, but I'm here as his replacement right now. He would like you back in his order, if you understand. My offer stands, if you should decide, then you can reach me with the letter owl. I'll get to you right away, I promise.",,And if I do not want to?""Who knows." He smiles falsely at me again. He wants me in his order and if I don't want it, there will be consequences for me and my actions. I thought he was cracked, but like that?"I give up.",,Understand. That's a shame.."He's walking in the direction we came from. In the direction of the Chapter Leader of the Black Bull. He speaks to him briefly and I can only tell that my Chapter Leader is bored with the other. He puffs on his cigarette and watches me out of the corner of his eye. His eyes look at me. Then he turns his gaze back to the leader of the order in front of him.I now stand next to the creepy-looking people."Hello, I'm Gordon. Nice to meet you, new friend."I heard his whisper loud and clear, but I didn't answer."Well then, I'm going now."Thank God! But before the Chapter Leader of the Golden Dawn departs for good, his purple eyes look at me one last time."Oh, let's go now."Finral opens his grimoire and creates a portal. Interesting magic. I have to say that.One by one we go through the portal and of course the first one is the leader of the order himself.We arrive on a grassy area that is in the middle of the forest and in front of us, stretching far up, is a strange looking building. Truly different than what I expected, but I think it's going to be a better time.

Words: 1473

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