A Fight

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he strange man now stands right next to Nozel and I get really weird. I'm done, I can't fight two Chapter leaders.. I'm not strong enough... Nozel's mana is too familiar to me. This man, his mana is even stronger than Nozel's. He has a magic that robs me of mobility. Which somehow robs me of some of my magical power. Another power rests in his mana, but this is much worse than the man himself. What is that? Whatever it is, he's strong and I like strong warriors. The magicians from before have all died. They were weak and easily knocked out. I don't notice more humans, powerful magicians, gathering around me. It's only too late when I see her mana wells. I turn around and see more dark people. But I don't recognize anyone more precisely. They all seem hostile to me and they want to stop me so as not to get on Nozel's collar. He has retreated behind the black figures. He's weak and a scaredy-cat. He's not a real man. He knows neither honor nor love.I let the fire king's flames circle around me like a tornado and push any kind of magic away from me. I hear some screams, but not cries of pain, more like.. cries of fear. There is anger too. But... the fear is very big. I can feel them around me. "Lumiel, please! come to you You know full well what happens if you keep this up!" Nozel calls out to me. I don't know why, but he looks kind of desperate? No, I must be wrong. But what did he mean by that? What happens to me? I... am being suppressed somehow. "Naira. Please, we just want to help you! Sis." Sister? I turn my head and see another bad person. The Chapter Leader of the Azure Stag. I let out all my frustration and anger and spread the flames around. But a wall of fire snaking through my flames stops me. I freeze. It's none other than Fuegoleon Vermillion. I'm drawn into the here and now as he walks towards me. Through its cold red flames and through my hot blue flames like it's nothing. He could burn himself, but he just walks straight towards me. His purple eyes stare straight into my turquoise eyes. Right in front of me he stops while all the other alien and hostile mages wait outside... around the flames. They're waiting for their chance to attack me. you want to harm me they want to kill me But as I look into the Upright and Honest Eyes of Fuegoleon, all my Negative Thoughts of those other Mages are just blown away. He puts his hands on my shoulders and waits. Despite everything, he just smiles at me and then opens his mouth, "I understand you, little Lumiel. It's all too much for you. You have no guilt. Of nothing. But if you give up here now, I want you to know that we all... That I am there to catch you. So, come back." I understand his words, I also want to thank him for taking the risk of coming to me, even though it probably could have meant his death. But I can't do anything about it. Something is fighting back Fuegoleon's cold flames He's suddenly thrown from me I don't know where he flies but away from me."Fuegoleon!" some of these aliens shout and attack me with their magical power. I sense it and dodge it immediately. Paintings, cuts, roses, fire, wood and quicksilver. And now I realize who the aliens are .The other Chapter leaders.Paintings, come from Rill, while the cuts, come from the Green Mantis Chapter leader.From Jack the Ripper.The roses, are from the Blue Rose Chapter leader, Charlotte Roselei.The fire can't come from Fuegoleon since I threw him away involuntarily... I recognize a small person among many large ones. Is that Leopold? Fuegoleon's little brother? Probably. Finally, there is wood coming from the Unknown Man, next to Nozel.. and finally I can make out by whom it is. It's the Chapter leader of the Golden Dawn. William Vangeance. Finally, there's Nozel's Quicksilver. They all attack me together and I just dodge, or whatever seems to be controlling me. I want to scream, I want to be in control of myself and my body and my strength. Yet I know it cannot happen in this state. I'm about to close my eyes as I feel myself regaining the upper hand as I'm being held from behind. I squirm at the sudden closeness. "Yes, we have them." Jack the Ripper comes happily. "Stop it! Let them go!" Two people call to the Person, behind me. I've lost the upper hand and I'm pushing the human behind me, backwards. Away from me and somewhere I hear a muffled impact. I turn back to the action and this time see Nozel and Fuegoleon in front of me. Both use their magic in self-defense. Fuegoleon runs down his forehead, blood runs down. While Nozel looks very distressed."Please Lumiel. Please come around," Nozel begs, his quicksilver slowly mingling with my blue flames. This time, his magic won't dissipate so easily. "Little Lumiel, please come back to us. We all need you.", Fuegoleon now also begs me. "I.. I can't n-can't..", it comes from me weakly and I want to break up inside. Something bad wants to come out of me and I'm afraid of what's coming. I don't want that. Nozel comes closer to me and suddenly takes me in his arms in front of everyone present. The Grumpy Stubborn and Noble Chapter Leader, Nozel Silva, takes a half noble resident - a renegade knight - in my arms. There are gasps from some Chapter leaders and many don't seem to get the sight I understand. You can't believe Nozel would do something like that on his own. I'm hearing everything again and I'm hearing everything at normal volume again. I'm not wrapped in cotton anymore, everything is the same as before. Almost. I can mean I can't move my body, but I can see everything again for myself and not like a spectator, from the third perspective. It was strange and whatever that was, I don't want to experience it again. Fear can drive a person insane and by it had been like that for me. Something dark has taken over me and done things I would never have done myself. I can not anymore. I feel empty and powerless. "Finally the spook is over. I will now return to headquarters.", comes from Jack the Ripper weakly. He is exhausted? A leader of the order who feels like he can always fight? "I agree with him.", comes from Roselei approvingly. Both distance themselves from what is happening and leave the rest of us behind. "I would like to stay here.." Rill says and I wince. I didn't want that. Of course I was always in his shadow, but the little kid was always there for me. I didn't want to attack him. Not so.."I think it's better if you go back to your headquarters with Gueldre and Leopold. Your brother will then follow, Leo." "All right. Come Rill. We'll get Gueldre and have him taken care of." Leopold speaks enthusiastically. Fuegoleon now puts a hand on my shoulder while Nozel finally lets go of me. "I'll join the squad too. I leave it to you two. Well then, goodbye Naira." With these words William also withdraws. "We won't address it to the King of Magicians. However, your enemies have noticed what happened here. Don't worry, we've taken care of it taken care of. Everything is taken care of. Nozel is taking care of the report, you should let Owen examine you." I'm just about to take a step when I just notice how dizzy I get and how I collapse. But I'm caught before I hit the ground. I feel two arms around my body. "I'll take it to Owen." Fuegoleon speaks. "No. It's my responsibility. I'll do this and report to the King of Magicians. Thank you."Later I wake up and immediately the last events come to my mind. I sit up in pain and am in a healer tower, presumably with Owen. I don't let myself sink back into the pillows and get up immediately for it. I have to hold on to the bed for a moment as my balance is failing. I scout for my grimoire and when I find it I take it. Apparently in recent events, the Black Bull's robe had been damaged and I sigh. I'm so frustrated, I can't say exactly what happened, but I don't want to stay here and wait for some magicians to interrogate me. It would be even worse if Nozel or another Chapter leader showed up here. I have to make up for my mistake. I haven't completed this Secret Mission from the King of Mages. I run out of the tower and grab a wooden broomstick leaning against the wall and fly to where it happened. I alone with myself, in a devastated environment. I look around and I feel so guilty. Everything that used to be a forest has been destroyed. It was dark and mysterious, but it was whole. Now that he's in ruins... I'll best become exactly what Nozel wanted me to do back then. 

 I will never go back. 

 Well, one day I have to go back

Words: 1590

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