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-Dylan Taehyung Adrian-

As I entered the venue, my gaze happened upon a captivating sight – the enchanting eyes of a young woman in a stunning red gown. 

Her fiery red hair cascaded gracefully, partially veiling her face, adding an air of mystery to her beauty. 

I couldn't help but be captivated by her allure, acknowledging her undeniable charm and elegance.

Feeling a sudden surge of emotions, I averted my gaze from the captivating young woman's eyes as quickly as possible. 

The intensity of our eye contact had stirred a mixture of feelings within me, causing a fluttering sensation in my stomach. 

It was an overwhelming experience, one that I needed a moment to process before allowing myself to engage further.

The next moment, I was greeted by my dear friend Jimin. His warm presence brought comfort and familiarity amidst the bustling atmosphere of the event. 

We exchanged greetings and shared a brief conversation, catching up on each other's lives since we last met. 

Jimin's friendship provided a sense of ease, helping me temporarily forget the intensity of the earlier encounter.

"Where is Princess Ruby?" I asked eagerly, my curiosity piqued. Jimin chuckled in response, knowing my interest in the princess. "She is currently in the company of Princess Anne" 

He answered, hinting at their likely engagement in a conversation or activity together. My anticipation grew, and I hoped for a chance to interact with Princess Ruby during the event.

"You stay here, I will go and greet Edward," Jimin said as he made his way towards Edward's direction. I watched him go, grateful for his thoughtful gesture. 

While he engaged with Edward, I took the opportunity to observe the surroundings and the interactions of the guests. 

It was an eventful evening, filled with conversations, laughter, and the vibrant energy of the celebration.

Seeking a moment of respite, I made my way towards the balcony, hoping to catch a breath of fresh air. 

As I stepped out into the open space, the cool breeze gently brushed against my face, providing a soothing sensation. 

The balcony offered a panoramic view of the surrounding gardens, adorned with twinkling lights and colorful decorations. 

I took a deep breath, allowing the serenity of the night to wash over me, momentarily escaping the bustling atmosphere of the event.

I glanced around the balcony, and my eyes landed on the lady I had seen earlier, sitting gracefully on a nearby sofa. 

Curiosity piqued, I approached her, taking cautious steps. As I got closer, I noticed her elegant demeanor and the way she carried herself with confidence. 

Her presence exuded a sense of grace and poise that instantly caught my attention. I wondered if we would have a chance to engage in conversation and perhaps discover a connection amidst the festivities.

With a polite smile on my face, I introduced myself and bowed respectfully to the lady "Dylan Taehyung Adrian." I wanted to make a good impression and show her my respect.

"Ember Jisoo Egan" I froze. She noticed my momentary freeze and the slight surprise that crossed my face upon hearing her name.

Ember Jisoo Egan, the name resonated in my mind, triggering a sense of familiarity and curiosity. However, I quickly composed myself, maintaining a polite and friendly demeanor.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ember Jisoo Egan," I replied, regaining my composure. "I must say, your name carries a certain significance that caught my attention. May I inquire about your family background, if it's not too intrusive?"

I hoped that my inquiry would come across as genuine curiosity rather than prying. I wanted to understand the connection between her name and the events that had unfolded in our respective families.

"I am Princess Ember Jisoo Egan, representing the esteemed House of Ardeur. I believe there is no further information that I deem necessary for you to be aware of at this moment."

I nodded in understanding, respecting her decision to keep her identity as the Princess of the House of Ardeur private. It was clear that she had her reasons for not wanting to share further information at that moment.

"I appreciate your honesty, Princess Ember," I replied with a polite smile. "I completely understand and respect your boundaries. 

If there's anything you'd like to talk about or if there's anything I can do to make your experience here more enjoyable, please feel free to let me know. 

Let's focus on enjoying the event and getting to know each other without any pressure or expectations."

With that, I left the topic behind and shifted the conversation to more lighthearted matters, engaging in casual conversation to help create a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere between us.

"I am Prince Dylan Taehyung Adrian, representing the illustrious House of Vagues." She acknowledged my introduction with a nod.

I took a seat in front of her and attempted to initiate a conversation. "You are truly exquisite," I complimented her.

"Thank you, that is kind of you to say," She replied with a slight smile. A peaceful silence captured the moment

Indeed, the peaceful silence allowed us to appreciate the beauty of the surroundings and the enchanting atmosphere of the event. 

The soft music played in the background, creating a soothing ambiance that added to the serenity of the moment. We exchanged glances and smiles, content in each other's company.

Her presence had a remarkable effect on me, bringing out a side of me that I rarely showed to others. With her, my usual seriousness and reserve seemed to fade away, replaced by a genuine smile that adorned my face. 

Her captivating presence and charming personality made every moment in her company a delight, and I found myself unable to resist the joy she brought into my life.

I quickly stood up, alarmed by her sudden change in demeanor. "Are you alright?" I asked with concern, reaching out to steady her. 

She trembled, her body tensed, and her face turned pale. It was clear that something was wrong. "Let me help you," I said.

I held her tightly in my arms, feeling the heat radiating from her body. Concern flooded my thoughts as I searched for a solution. 

But to my surprise, she suddenly wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace. I could feel her trembling against me, her body seeking solace and comfort. 

Without hesitation, I held her close, providing a reassuring presence amidst her distress. I whispered soothing words, letting her know that I was there for her. In that moment, our connection grew stronger as we shared a moment of vulnerability and support.

As I held her, I couldn't help but worry about my own personal hygiene. The thought crossed my mind that I hadn't taken a bath that day, and the last thing I wanted was for her to notice any unpleasant odor. 

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