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-Ember Jisoo Egan-

As the realization of our actions dawned on me, I instinctively pushed away, momentarily breaking the kiss. 

But my hesitation only seemed to frustrate him, and with a groan of annoyance, he pulled me back into the kiss, the intensity of our feelings too strong to be denied.

Feeling a surge of clarity, I pushed him away again, this time with a bit more force. He seemed to snap out of the passionate moment, and we both stood there frozen.

The reality of the situation settling in. Our hearts raced, and the rooftop suddenly felt like a place of both vulnerability and understanding.

"I... I am sorry," he stammered, his voice tinged with embarrassment. I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze, my cheeks undoubtedly flushed with the intensity of our impulsive encounter.

The moment was filled with unspoken emotions and a shared understanding that left us both feeling exposed and uncertain of how to proceed.

"What happened back then?" I finally managed to ask, my voice soft and filled with curiosity. 

It was clear that there were significant events and mysteries surrounding our encounter in the forest and the star-shaped mark on my hand, and I needed answers to piece together the puzzle.

"What?" he asked, seeming unsure of where to begin. "In the forest," I reiterated, hoping for some clarity about the events that had transpired during my memory lapse. 

He took a deep breath, clearly grappling with how to explain. "I observed you trembling, with your body exhibiting a feverish heat. 

I made an attempt to provide assistance, but regrettably, you lost consciousness. Consequently, I transported you back to the palace and positioned you on the sofa," he responded in a more formal tone.

"That's all?" I confirmed, seeking further details, he nodded. Recalling Princess Ruby's reaction to the mark on his hand, I decided to investigate further. 

I reached for his hand, and as I held it, the same mark that was on my own hand began to glow. It was a startling and intriguing development, one that added another layer of complexity to the mysteries we were unraveling.

"What is this?" We both exclaimed in shock as the mark on our hands glowed even brighter when we moved closer. 

There was a moment of confusion, a realization that we were inexplicably drawn to each other, and then, almost in the blink of an eye, we were kissing again. 

The magnetic pull between us was undeniable, and it seemed that the mark on our hands held a secret that we were determined to uncover, even if it meant losing ourselves in the passionate exchange once more.

As we were drawn closer, lost in the passionate moment, a sudden punch landed on his face, startling us both. 

It was Seulgi, and her unexpected presence had interrupted the intense connection between us.

Seulgi issued a warning, "Stay away from her!" Her protectiveness was evident. However, Princess Ruby had a different perspective, and she exclaimed, "No! Marry her!"

The conflicting voices added to the confusion of the moment. Lisa intervened, pulling me away from the situation.

While Princess Ruby, Princess Anne, Edward, and two other unfamiliar individuals joined the scene. 

The tension in the air was palpable, and it was clear that there were complex emotions and allegiances at play.

"Let's go, Ember," Seulgi urged. But just as I reached out to hold Taehyung, everything suddenly became a blur. 

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