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-Ember Jisoo Egan-

I opened my eyes and found myself in a room, with Lisa standing right beside me. As soon as she saw me, she rushed in for a hug. "Ember, are you okay?!" she asked with concern in her voice.

"Prince Dylan," I mumbled, my memory hazy and unable to recall anything else about him. Lisa asked, "What about him?" 

Her expression was one of curiosity, perhaps trying to understand why I mentioned Prince Dylan in that moment of confusion.

I glanced at her and, not able to come up with any other explanation, I simply said, "He is handsome." 

It was a vague comment, but it seemed like a safer option than revealing my uncertain memories.

Lisa looked genuinely concerned and panicked at my seemingly nonsensical comment. "What?" she exclaimed. 

"Have you hurt your head or something? What are you talking about? Wait! Are you going crazy or something?" Her worry was evident as she tried to make sense of my words.

"Nothing happened. Don't worry, I'm fine," I reassured Lisa. Then, realizing my disorientation, I asked. 

"Where are we? How long have I been gone?" I needed to understand the situation and how much time had passed during my unclear memories.

"You disappeared, and I just discovered you on the sofa about 15 minutes ago. We're still at the Joie Palace," Lisa clarified. 

While her explanation shed some light on the situation, my memory lapses continued to baffle me.

I asked, "How many people are aware that I passed out?" She replied, "You, me, Seulgi, a maid, and whoever left you there," providing a list of those who knew about the incident.

I let out a sigh of relief. "I think we should rejoin the party. No one should be aware of us going missing," I suggested, and Lisa nodded in agreement.

"You go ahead; I'll catch up with you. I need to visit the restroom," I added as I headed towards the bathroom. 

Lisa left the room, and as I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, I noticed the star-shaped mark on my hand. 

Confusion filled my thoughts. "What is this?" I wondered aloud, baffled by the mysterious symbol.

Frustration and confusion welled up within me as I stared at the star-shaped mark on my hand. The memories were a jumbled mess. 

I could recall following Princess Anne and her group into the forest, but beyond that, everything was a blur, particularly Prince Dylan's face. 

I couldn't make sense of it all, and it left me feeling thoroughly disoriented and unsettled. 

I decided to conceal the star-shaped mark on my hand by wearing my red gloves, hoping that no one would notice it. 

Determined to get some answers, I resolved to speak with Princess Anne about the mysterious events in the forest. 

It was clear that she might hold key information that could help me unravel the puzzle of what had happened during my memory lapse.

After making sure I looked presentable, I descended the stairs and rejoined the festivities, trying my best to act as though nothing unusual had occurred. 

My mind, however, remained preoccupied with the enigmatic events in the forest and the star-shaped mark on my hand, serving as a constant reminder of the mysteries that awaited resolution.

-Dylan Taehyung Adrian-

I took a sip of my whiskey, attempting to drown out the persistent thoughts of the unexpected kiss and the inexplicable star-shaped mark on my hand. 

The mysteries from earlier still lingered, and I couldn't help but wonder, "What was that all about?" 

The unanswered questions tugged at my consciousness, making it difficult to fully enjoy the party.

I closed my eyes, allowing the gentle breeze to caress my face. Amidst the party's noise and distractions, all I could focus on was the memory of her face. 

The mysterious encounter with Princess Ember had left an indelible mark on my thoughts, and her image filled my mind, making it challenging to concentrate on anything else.

My eyes snapped open as I felt my hand being pulled, and I heard Princess Ruby call out, "Dylan." 

I couldn't hide the star-shaped mark on my hand from her, and as she noticed it, her eyes widened in shock. Her reaction only deepened the mystery surrounding the mark.

Princess Ruby's gasp was followed by a radiant smile, and her joy was palpable. "Oh my!" she exclaimed. 

"This is a sign! This is a sign!" Her excitement was contagious, and she began to jump up and down with childlike enthusiasm.

Her reaction left me bewildered but intrigued. It seemed that the star-shaped mark held a special significance that she understood. 

I couldn't help but wonder what this sign meant and how it was connected to the events in the forest and the mysterious kiss.

Princess Ruby's joyous embrace took me by surprise, but my attention was momentarily diverted when I noticed Princess Ember watching us from the corner of my eye. 

We shared a brief, meaningful exchange through our eyes, and then she discreetly left the scene.

I gently pushed away from Princess Ruby, my curiosity and concern for Princess Ember driving me to follow her. 

Something about her demeanor and the unspoken communication in that glance told me that there were answers waiting to be uncovered.

Instinct guided me as I followed Princess Ember to the rooftop. There was an unspoken connection between us, and it felt like the right thing to do, as if fate itself was leading me to the answers I sought. 

The rooftop, with its view of the starry night sky, seemed like the perfect place for a conversation that held so much significance.

Silently, I approached Princess Ember, who stood with her back to me, gazing out at the edge of the rooftop. 

Without a word, I gently took her by the waist and, in a moment of profound connection, pulled her into a kiss. 

It was a wordless expression of the emotions that had been building between us, a kiss that transcended the mysteries and uncertainties of the night.

Princess Ember responded without hesitation, her arms encircling my neck, drawing me closer. The kiss deepened. 

It felt as though we were communicating through this passionate exchange of emotions. It was a moment that went beyond words. 

A connection forged through the intensity of our feelings, and it left us both lost in the powerful embrace of our affection.

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