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-Ember Jisoo Egan-

I looked at the painting I had just completed and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

The colors, the strokes, and the overall composition came together beautifully, showcasing my artistic abilities. I admired the work, recognizing my talent as an artist and feeling a surge of confidence in my skills.

I wiped my hand and took a sip of my coffee, savoring the bitter taste that danced on my tongue. Despite its bitterness, I found myself enjoying the distinct flavor that lingered with each sip.

The robust notes and the hint of bitterness created a unique and invigorating experience. I appreciated the complexities of the coffee, relishing in the contrast between its bitterness and the warmth it brought to my senses.

The weather was indeed perfect, adding to the overall delight of the day. As I relished the pleasant atmosphere, my senses attuned to the sounds around me. 

Suddenly, I heard a familiar noise—a loud thud followed by a soft groan. I knew in an instant who it was that had fallen. Without hesitation, I hurriedly made my way towards the source of the sound, ready to offer assistance to the person in need.

"Lisa?" I called out, concern evident in my voice as I approached the fallen figure. "Yes, I'm okay! Don't worry," Lisa reassured me, dusting herself off and getting back on her feet.

"What happened? What brings you here?" I inquired, concerned about the sudden fall.  She brushed off the dust from her dress, trying to regain her composure.

"I'm here to invite you to choose our dresses for Princess Joy's birthday," she said, her voice filled with excitement.

It struck me that I had forgotten to ask my father for permission, and the birthday party was already tomorrow. A sense of worry washed over me as I realized the urgency of the situation.

"You can go ahead and start choosing the dresses. I need to meet my father first" I told Lisa with a hint of urgency in my voice.

She nodded understandingly and said, "Alright, I'll wait for you in your room"

I hurriedly made my way to my father's study, hoping to catch him before he got too busy with his royal duties.

I cautiously peeked inside my father's study, hoping to find him available for a quick discussion. As I entered, I noticed him engrossed in his work, surrounded by stacks of papers and documents. He looked up from his desk, his gaze meeting mine.

"Father, may I have a moment of your time?" I asked, trying to sound as respectful and composed as possible.

He set down his pen and gestured for me to come closer. "Of course, my dear. What is it?"

I approached him, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves. "Father, I have received an invitation to Princess Joy's birthday party. It is tomorrow, and I would like your permission to attend."

He paused for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "Princess Joy's birthday?  Are you certain you wish to go?"

I nodded eagerly, my eyes filled with anticipation. "Yes, Father. It would be a great honor to be there, and it's a chance for me to represent our family."

He smiled warmly, his eyes softening. "Very well, my child. You have my permission to attend the party. Enjoy yourself and make our family proud."

Relief washed over me, and I couldn't help but smile gratefully. "Thank you, Father. I will do my best."

As I was about to leave, my father called out to me, stopping me in my tracks. I turned back to face him, wondering what more he had to say.

"But," he began, his tone serious yet gentle, "You should consider having a companion accompany you" My father suggested.

I nodded, understanding his concern. Attending such an important event alone might not be ideal, and having a trusted companion by my side would add to the enjoyment and ensure my safety.

"You're right, Father," I replied. "I will ask Lisa to accompany me. She is my dear friend and I know she will be a wonderful companion for the party."

"Take Seulgi too" He commanded "Father, I understand your suggestion, and I respect your decision," I replied. 

"If you believe it would be best for Seulgi to accompany us, I will gladly accept your choice. I trust that you have considered what is in her best interest and believe she will contribute positively to the event." 

"Remember to conduct yourself with grace and dignity at the party. As a representative of our family, your actions reflect upon all of us. Make sure to adhere to the protocols and etiquettes expected in such gatherings."

I nodded solemnly, understanding the weight of his words. "I will, Father. I will be mindful of our family's reputation and behave accordingly."

He smiled once again, this time with a touch of pride in his eyes. "I have faith in you, my child. Enjoy the celebration, but always remember who you are and where you come from."

With his blessing secured, I hurriedly left the study, ready to join Lisa and make the most of the limited time we had to choose our dresses for the grand occasion. 

I entered my room, and to my delight, my dog came bounding towards me. "Oh, my dear Archie! Where is Lisa?" I asked as I picked him up in my arms.

"I am here," Lisa said, walking towards us with excitement. She excitedly pulled me towards the dresses that were laid out. 

As I glanced at the designer, a wave of sympathy washed over me, knowing that she must be exhausted by Lisa's demanding requests.

"Lisa" I called her name gently, trying to temper her enthusiasm. She turned her gaze towards me, and I proceeded to speak with caution, aware of the strained dynamics between Lisa and Seulgi. 

"Father has instructed me to invite you and Seulgi to accompany me," I stated carefully, acknowledging their less-than-ideal relationship. It was evident that their civility towards each other was primarily due to my presence.

Lisa's expression shifted slightly, and I could sense a hint of hesitation. Despite their strained relationship, she agreed for my sake. "Alright" she replied, trying to mask any discomfort she might have felt.

I smiled warmly at her, appreciating her willingness to put aside any personal issues for the occasion. "Thank you, Lisa. I know it means a lot to me, and I promise we'll make the best of it together."

With that, we resumed looking through the dresses, determined to find the perfect attire for the grand occasion tomorrow. As we sorted through the elegant fabrics and stylish designs, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Lisa's support, even amidst the tensions between her and Seulgi.

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