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-Ruby Jennie Armonía-

I have recently returned from my journey and have been informed about my father's grave illness. The physician conveyed the prognosis that his survival is uncertain.

I am deeply sorrowful to witness his impending demise. This encounter may potentially be our final rendezvous.

"Father!" I expressed with a somber tone in my voice. Regrettably, I found myself unable to restrain my emotions, leading to tears streaming down my face.

"My dear" His vocalization exhibited signs of feebleness and vulnerability. "There is a possibility that my existence may cease tomorrow"

"No" I begged. "I kindly request to be informed of my final desire"  His vocalization was indistinct and nearly inaudible.

"Yes father, I have all my ears" I gently removed the tears from my face. "Facilitate their matrimonial union" 

"Who?" I inquired. "Them" He yelped. "Ember and" His voice progressively acquired an increasingly hollow and vacant quality as he continued speaking.

"And?" "Ember and Dylan" He gestured towards a book placed on the adjacent shelf and uttered, "Ember Jisoo Egan and Dylan Taehyung Adrian." 

With his final breath, he expressed, "I love you, my daughter" and then darkness engulfed him. No

"No!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with anguish, as I attempted to rouse him. "Father, you cannot leave! You promised me that we would never depart! Father!" 

A sudden hand on my shoulder startled me, and the individual who owned the hand spoke, saying, "He has departed now, and you must accept it, Jennie. He will observe you fulfilling his final wish from above in heaven"

It was my mother who embraced me, her tears falling on my shoulder. After releasing the embrace, she spoke, "We must learn to let go and soon bestow upon you the title of queen, so that you may fulfill his final wish and aid his soul in finding peace."

Unable to find my voice, I simply nodded in agreement. It became clear to me that I had a crucial responsibility to fulfill my father's final wish: to unite Dylan and Ember in marriage.

"Do you possess any knowledge regarding the reason behind his request or any other relevant information?" I inquired, hoping for some insight. 

However, my mother simply shook her head, indicating her disapproval or lack of knowledge on the matter.

I resolved to discover the truth on my own. Realizing that the answers and understanding I sought would require my own efforts, I steeled myself for the journey ahead.

"We should proceed with the funeral," she suggested, and I assented with a nod, wiping the tears from my face. 

It was time to honor my father's memory and bid him farewell in a solemn ceremony.


Individuals from all the house were extended invitations to my father's funeral. The gathering encompassed a wide array of individuals representing various families and communities, joining together to pay their respects and commemorate his life.

I adorned a black ankle-length dress with full puffed sleeves and a modest V-neck. The attire elegantly draped around me, symbolizing mourning and solemnity, as I stood among the attendees at my father's funeral.

Among the attendees at the funeral, the only presence from the other three prominent houses were the Kings and Queens themselves. 

Surprisingly, no princesses or princes from those houses were present, except for myself. It appeared that the responsibility to represent my own house fell solely upon my shoulders during this somber occasion.

As I completed all the funeral rituals, only one remained—the final and most significant one. According to this custom, I was to relinquish all my powers for three days and sustain myself without any food. 

This act of sacrifice was not only a mark of reverence towards my father, but it was also believed to grant me the highest level of power within our kingdom.

As the priest continued with the incantations, a sense of apprehension filled me. I could keenly feel my powers gradually departing from my being, as if being drained away. 

It was an unnerving experience, as the chants echoed in the air and my connection to the source of my abilities weakened.

As my powers completely vanished, I succumbed to unconsciousness and collapsed. To my dismay, nobody in attendance displayed any signs of panic or attempted to aid me. 

I lay there, devoid of vitality, while the solemn gathering carried on without a moment's notice of my lifeless state.

As I regained consciousness, I realized that night had already fallen. It dawned on me that it was not uncommon for individuals to faint during the transition period after their powers were relinquished during funerals.

It appeared that my experience was part of the customary process. Gathering information from those around me, I discovered that the funeral had concluded peacefully in my absence.

Despite having regained consciousness, I felt a profound sense of powerlessness lingering within me. The absence of my father intensified this feeling, causing further distress. 

Recognizing my state, my maid, Natalie Nayeon Nura, attended to my needs, preparing a bath and assisting me with changing into my night clothes. 

Her presence offered a small solace amidst the turmoil within me. After the revitalizing bath, though still weakened, I made the decision to take a brief stroll in the park.

 As I walked, memories of the moments I shared with my father flooded my mind. The weight of his absence bore heavily upon me, and a single tear escaped my eye, a testament to the profound emotions surging within my heart.

Suddenly, amidst the recollections of my father, the memory of the book he had mentioned before his passing resurfaced in my mind. 

A surge of curiosity and anticipation coursed through me, prompting me to retrace my steps and make my way back home. 

The desire to uncover the secrets held within the pages of that book became a driving force within me.

Entering my father's room, my gaze quickly fell upon the book he had spoken of. I reached out, seizing it in my hands, and as I eagerly opened its pages, a shock coursed through me.

As I turned the pages of the book, my heart sank as I realized that every page was blank. A sense of emptiness washed over me, mirroring the absence of my own powers. 

Confusion clouded my mind, contemplating if this blankness was a consequence of my recent power loss.

Despite my desire for assistance, I hesitated to disturb my mother, and I harbored doubts about confiding in anyone else, unsure of their trustworthiness and understanding of the situation.

I find myself uncertain about the appropriate course of action. I inquire as to the appropriate course of action to undertake in this circumstance.

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