Chapter 2: Choosing a High School

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Izuku woke up at 7 am, went to the kitchen, and ate breakfast. After that, he got dressed up for school and left. 

"Bye Mom!" said Izuku going out the door. 

"Goodbye sweetie." said Inko.

Izuku arrived at school and sat down in his seat. He heard some of his classmates talking next to him. 

"I heard that today we'll be choosing which high school we'll be going to." said one of the classmates. 

"Already? We've got 2 more years until we'll go there! Weren't we supposed to do it next year?" said another classmate.

"Yeah. They're saying to be ready early just in case we change our mind until then. Next year they will be asking us again to see if we changed our mind."

"I understand that they want to make sure that we are sure to which high school we'll go but why did they decide just now?" 

"Well, apparently last year a kid chose a high school in a rush and he didn't like that school so her mom, which was a Karen, wanted to sue the school for that. The case didn't last too long and our school won it but the school didn't want to deal with this again so they decided to ask us for this year instead of the second." 

"Oh cool. Wait how do you even know this?"

"I eavesdropped on our teacher while he was talking to another teacher." 

"Makes sense. But I bet that Bakugo will go to UA."

"Yeah probably. He has a good quirk so he's probably going to get accepted."]

"Alright class, settle down." said the teacher as he was walking in the class. "Today we will be choosing which high school you go to. I know, I know, it might seem early for this but we're doing this just in case you'll change your mind. Next year we will ask you to what high school you'll be going to again to make sure you want to go. Now let's start with Bakugo. To which high school do you want to go?"

"What kind of question even is that? I'll be going to UA of course." said Bakugo making small explosions into the air. 

"Alright, alright. You can stop with your quirk. Now let's continue..."

The teacher continued to ask everyone to which high school they want to go to. No one besides Bakugo said that they wanted to go to UA. Well, no one instead of one person. 

"Now the last one... Izuku. To which high school do you want to go?" asked the teacher. 

"Uhm... I want to go to UA..." said Izuku.

The class was silent for a bit. They were processing what they have just heard. They didn't know if he was joking or not. But a few seconds later when they realized that he didn't joke, they started to burst out laughing. 

"You, a quirkless Deku, going to UA? And when I thought I heard it all." said Bakugo while laughing."You know, when you told me you believe you could become a hero if you train, I thought that's the funniest thing you've ever said. But this takes it to another level."

"Alright, that's enough Bakugo. Sit down." said the teacher while barely holding back a laugh. 

"No this is not enough. In fact, I think he needs to learn a lesson." said Bakugo angrily. 

"W-what do you mean by that?" asked a scared Izuku. 

"Oh I'll show what I mean." said Bakugo while rolling up his sleeves, like he was ready to fight.

"Wait. No, no, NO." said Izuku holding his arms up to defend himself from an attack from Bakugo. 

"Oh, come on Deku. To scared to fight me? And you said you wanted to become a hero. You're just a pathetic loser. You should know that you have absolutely no chance of being a hero." said Bakugo still mad about him thinking that he can go to UA and be a hero. 

"Teacher! Aren't you going to do anything?" asked Izuku 

"I don't get paid enough for this." said the teacher.

Bakugo was coming again with another attack that Izuku barely dodged. 

"Alright change of plans." said Xiao in Izuku's mind."You'll start the training earlier. The first task, defeat Bakugo."

"What! I can't do that! Bakugo is way more powerful than me and he also has a quirk!" said Izuku in his mind talking to Xiao. 

"You said you were ready for anything. Already giving up? I told you that I won't give you anything close to easy. Plus you said you are ready for anything. Do you want to give up? I won't train you anymore. Sure, you will still have my powers but good luck figuring out how to use them! You might think that I'm mean or something, but get used to it. It's part of a hero's life."

"Alright. Thanks, Xiao."

"What's the matter, Deku? Are you scared to do anything?" said Bakugo waking Izuku up to reality. 

"How pathetic Deku. Trying to ask for help. Get used to not being helped. No one will help a quirkless Deku."

"You know what Bakugo? I had enough of your bullying. Ever since you found out I was quirkless, you started bullying me for no reason. Every time I get home I have to cover my bruises or even my blood sometimes because you told me if I would tell anyone about you bullying me you will beat me to death. I'm tired of you bullying me. This time I'm going to fight back. I'm gonna defeat you Bakugo!"

"Very funny Deku. Like you're gonna defeat me. Fighting back is only going to make it worse."
"We'll see about that." said Izuku ready to fight. 

"What are you even gonna do? You're quirkless. I'm gonna defeat you the second we start." said Bakugo also ready to fight. 

"You will see my true power. Come on Bakugo! Bring everything you got at me!"

"Fine. But don't come crying to me after because I went all out on you." said Bakugo. 

"Alright. Then let's begin!" said Izuku with excitement.

Izuku Midoriya, The Reincarnation of Xiao {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now