Chapter 5: Training with Xiao part 2

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A/N: Hello again everyone. Sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while but I was and I still am on vacation. Anyways I think after this chapter I will write a book with Izuku having gamer powers or something like that. But don't worry, I will still update the book, but not as often. But you haven't come here to listen to me talk all day so let's just get to the story.

Izuku woke up and saw a nurse in the room. The nurse at first didn't notice he was awake but after a bit she realized. 

"Wait. You're awake! Doc, doc, he's awake!"

Izuku was a bit confused at first at all the fuss but then he remembered that he was in a coma for a year.

"I was not expecting this. You were in a coma that seemed stronger than the others. But even in a normal coma 9/10 people that are in one never wake up again. This is a miracle! I'll call your mom right now." said the doctor.

A/N: I just made up the part in which I said that 9/10 people that are in a coma never wake up again. I don't know if it's true.

A few minutes later

"I came as fast as I could. Is my sweet baby ok?" said Inko. 

"No need of calling me that. Just call me Izuku from now on." said Izuku. 

"But sweetie, I always called you that. It's like you changed since you've been in a coma. What happened?"

"I said call me Izuku from now on. And I rather not say what happened." 

"Ok. As you want Izuku. I'm just happy that you're ok."

"We do need to keep him for a few more days to see if everything it's alright." said the doctor. 

"Ok. Just call me when he's ready."

3 days later

Today was the day Izuku got out of the hospital. The doctor told him to not do anything overboard but Izuku didn't listen and immediately began training. He was gonna train for one year, then he was gonna take the UA entrance exam.

Month 1

Izuku began his training with a few laps, some pushups, and things like that. He was not physically strong, but with all the motivation he had he did a lot of things that even some adults can't do.

Month 2

This month Izuku did the same thing but also got some gym equipment because he couldn't go to the gym so he had to buy gym equipment himself with some money that he saved up.

Month 3

Izuku was getting stronger and stronger as the days went on. This month, Izuku did more laps than usual, more push-ups than usual, and more everything than usual.

Month 4-8

During these months Izuku remembered that the UA entrance exam had a written part too, which isn't so important because a lot of UA students failed the written part but still got in because they passed the physical part, but Izuku still wanted to pass it so these months he studied a lot but he also trained.

Month 9-11

These months Izuku trained a lot. He would get only 4 hours of sleep every night and sometimes he would even skip some meals. He trained on all the things he got. It was like he had his gym at home. By the end of these months, Izuku could almost use his powers the same as he used them in his mind with Xiao.

Month 12

This was the last month. After this month Izuku will take the entrance exams. So because of that, this month Izuku got only 2 hours of sleep every night and he would have only one meal per day. By the end of the month, Izuku could use his powers even a bit better than in his mind and he was extremely strong. Here is how he looked by the end of the month:

 Here is how he looked by the end of the month:

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(btw he doesn't have the outfit yet.)

Now, all he has left to do is to pass the entrance exam and go to UA. Izuku smiled a bit thinking about how he would prove Bakugo wrong again. He will show everyone how strong he actually is.

Izuku Midoriya, The Reincarnation of Xiao {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now