Chapter eight: We have Hope for 828.

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April 18th. Thursday.
Tomorrow is the day Cal and Olive turn 13. I can't believe they are teenagers tomorrow! Getting up from my bed I don't see Saanvi anywhere. I go to the bathroom and she's having some morning sickness. I hold her hair back for her.
"Good morning Vi. Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm okay. Just morning sickness. I don't think I'll be home in time to bring Olive to gymnastics."
"It's okay. I'll text Mick if she is free."
"Okay. Thanks Ben. We should probably get ready."
"Yeah. I'm going to wake Olive and Cal first." Saanvi goes back to our room to get changed. I walk upstairs to wake the twins up. I got a job at the college. My first day is today. One of the teachers just got fired so I got the job. After getting ready and eating breakfast everyone leave. My parents take the kids to school. Saanvi goes to work and i drive to work. On my way to work I call Mick.
"Hey Mick. Do you think you could drive Olive to gymnastics after school? Mom and dad are going out. You would have to pick up Cal to. If not I can just call a babysitter or something."
"Yeah of course. Just take Cal back to my place? Or do you want Zeke to babysit him?"
"You guys can go back to my place. Olive has gymnastics till 5. I should be home by then."
"Okay. Have a good first day Ben!"
"Yeah yeah. Bye"
"Bye" Mick says as she hangs up. I'm nervous for work. I don't even know why. I get to the college and i get showed to my office area. This is deathly familiar. Wait. This is my old room that I had in the future. Weird. I start walking around to get familiar with the place even though I've worked here before. Then I see someone. Oh my god.
"Oh my god!! Tj?!" I yell to him. I totally forgot Tj would be here. I walk towards him and hug him.
"Ben, what are you doing here?"
"I got a job. Just like the future!" I chuckle.
"Really? Woah that's weird. Oh how is Olive doing?"
"She's good. Doesn't remember anything. But Zeke remembers, Micke husband."
"Oh wait really? Maybe because he died?"
"But Cal died too? He would have remembered by now."
"Well how did Zeke remember?"
"I think Mick said she kissed him and he just remembered. And no you aren't kissing my 12 year old daughter."
"Ben I wouldn't. I do miss her though. But now that I'm 18 and she's almost 13. I would be illegal."
"Yeah. Oh also if Vance talks to you at all tell him that it was a normal flight and you don't know anything about Daly."
"Wait like captain Daly?"
"Yeah. He came to Saanvis work and asked us questions about him. He exploded like Angelina did. But he was never on the plane."
"Well Violet and the others were. But they dont remember anything."
"Yeah. He must have remembered."
"That's weird. I'll let you know if I see him."
"Thanks Tj. We should probably get going to our classes."
"This feels like déjà vu." Tj laughed. I taught my first class. Tj was there being on my side about anything. After a few classes it's lunch. I get a call from Cal and Olives school. Weird. I answer.
"Hello, is this Mr Stone?"
"Yes this is. Is everything okay?"
"Olive is wondering if she could go to her friends house after gymnastics. Here." The woman hands the phone to Olive. "Hi dad. Can i go to Ellie's house after gymnastics? She is in my gymnastics class so her mom can just pick us up. It's only till 6. Her mom can even drive me home!"
"Sure! Have fun sweetheart."
"Thank you!!" I hear Olive say before the phone hangs up. She definitely needs to have a fun last day of being a kid.

It's almost 3 and I have to go pick up Cal. Zeke said he would meet me at Bens. I get to the school just in time. Cal and Olive come running out to the car.
"Hi Auntie Mick! Dad told you I'm going to a friends after gymnastics right?"
"Yeah he told me Olive. Now let's get you to your class." I pause. "How was both of your days?"
"It was good!" They replied in sync. I get Olive to gymnastics and get to Bens. Around 3:30 Ben and Saanvi gets home. When they walked through the door Saanvi suggested for the 5 of us to go to the movies. Cal cheers and runs to get his shoes on. We take my car. After we get there and get to our seats people start flooding in. There is a lot of people in the movie theatre. The more I look the more people I see that are familiar.
"Hey guys. I just realized. All of these people are from 828." I told Ben, Saanvi, Zeke and Cal.
"Wait yeah your right. Everyone is here." Ben said. This can't be a coincidence. I go to stand in front of the room.
"Hey everyone. I don't know if you all remember me but I'm Michaela Stone. I was on flight 828. So we're all of you. This can't be a coincidence that we are all here." I turn to Zeke. "This is my husband, Zeke. Technically we aren't married yet but we're. He remembered what happened to us. He did have callings and died but I believe there is a way everyone remembers." Cal looks confused since he doesn't remember. Ben looks at everyone. "She's not lying. My girlfriend Saanvi is pregnant. She got pregnant when we were still in 2024. Obviously she should not be pregnant but she is. If anyone sees cops or NSA don't tell them anything. Vance questioned us about Captain Bill Daly. He was on the plane and exploded into ashes. Like the other 11 did. Vance and other people from the NSA saw it. We can't tell them anything unless we want to be detained again." Everyone is shocked. Tj walks over to us.
"They aren't lieing. I know the Stones. They are like family to me. I believe and trust them. You guys should too." After he says that I go and hug him. I whisper to Tj. "Tj, you are family." He smiles at me and nods. No one watched the movie. After realizing the time we had to go pick up Olive. Everyone left when we did. We get in the car to pick up Olive. My car was pretty small so Olive and Cal had to squeeze into one seat. While driving to Bens they were laughing and having a good time in the back. Zeke who was in the passenger looked over to me and put his hand on my thigh. My heart skipped a beat. I glanced at him. He moved his hand farther up my leg. I put my hand down fast. I glanced at him and whispered. "Zeke." He looked at me then moved his hand to hold mine. God he was smooth. He leans over to me and whispers "hm you liked that?" I laughed and shook my head. When we dropped Ben, Saanvi and the twins off we went back to my apartment. (This next part gets a bit extreme iykyk. I apologize in advance).
When we parked Zeke looked at me up and down. He leaned over and kissed me then pulled away. I got out of the car before we stayed in there all night. Zeke gets out after me. I lock the car and walk towards the building. Zeke comes after me and grabs my hand. Once I unlocked my door. I leaned to Zeke and kissed him, smashing my lips into his. I lean against the opening door and walk inside. I close the door behind me. Zeke infront of me kissing me more aggressively. I walk backwards into the kitchen counter as we kiss. He picks me up and puts me on the counter. I bring my lips down to his neck and back to his lips. He picks me up, still kissing me and brings me to our bed. I stand back up and rip his shirt over his head. I run my hands down his chest. He pulls his head back as I start kissing his chest.
"Fuck Mick. Oh my god." He moans. I grab his chin to make him look at me. I push him onto our bed. He scurries to fit completely on the bed. I get into of him. He pulls my shirt over my head. Smashing lips against eachother. I reach my hand down his pants. "Mick." He whispers.
"Hm. What do you like it." I whisper. I give him a h@ndj•b. "HOLY. MICK STOP. MMM." Zeke whimpers. I pull my hand out and take his belt off. He unclips my bra and whispers. "Your turn love." Before he gets to do anything to me there's a knock on the door. "Fuck of course." I groan. I throw in Zekes shirt and walk to the door. I close the bedroom door to still hear Zeke out of breath. I'm out of breath. This better be important. I open the door to see Drea, Jared and Edith's daughter Hope. Why are they here?
Out of breath still i ask. "Uh. Wha- what are you uh doing here?" Drea gives me a questionable look.
"Hope said you knew her? She was insistent she talked to you. I hope that's okay. Can we come in?" Jared ask.
"Oh uh. I wasn't expecting company, yeah come sit down on the couch. I'll be right back." I say going back to my room. Zeke asks who's here.
"I'm Jared, Drea and Hope."
"Shit. Can i have my shirt back?"
"Sure here." I say throwing his shirt to him. We get changed and head out. Drea looks at my shirt then Zeke than back to me and gives me a look. Of course Drea noticed.
"So." I say then catch my breath. "What did you need to ask me?" I ask Hope.
"So you know how I said my mom was crazy. I don't think that anymore.." she tells me. I look at Zeke giving a look that she might remember.
"What make you think." Zeke pauses catching his breath still. "That?"
"Well I'm experiencing it right now. My name is still Hope. Auntie Mick." She says. Auntie?!
"Wait. Auntie? They said auntie?" I ask Hope looking at Jared and Drea.
"Yeah my mom says you are my auntie." Drea looks at me in confusion and ask. "Your mom is dead? How did she tell you that."
"Seriously you don't remember mom?" Hope says to Drea. She sits there stunned.
"What. I'm not you mom?!"
"Well are you Drea Mikami? And is that my dad, Jared Vasquez?" Hope asks. Shit. How am I going to explain this to them without sounding crazy.
"Hope they don't remember. I know you do but you were just born? Did you see into the future or something?"
"Why? I know I die in 3 years. Edith died because Saanvi got pregnant right."
"Yeah that's right Hope."
"So tell me Auntie Mick. Does she get pregnant in 3 years with me?" Hope says as she looks at Drea.
"Yeah." I tell her. Jared jumps in. "What the hell is going on? I'm not a father."
"Is this some sort of joke?" Drea asks. Hope gets off the couch and brings Drea off the couch. She hugs Drea as she just stares at us. Then she pushes back and falls back to the couch out of breath. Shocked. I go toward her.
"Drea? Are you okay?"
"Wait. Is this actually real. Like this is 2013?" Drea asks. I look at Zeke shocked. How did Drea remember?
"Wait. Drea. Do you. Remember?!" What's the last thing you remember from before the airport.
"I remember sitting on your couch at Beverley's holding Hope in my arms with Jared beside me. Olive and Eden went upstairs. Everything started shaking. I told Jared and Hope I loved them. I saw lava flowing towards the house then everything went black. Next thing I know it was 2013."
"Holy shit you remember. How you never had callings. I thought Zeke remembered because he got callings and died but. You remember." I say stunned.
"What the fuck is going on? This is a joke right. Lava? Zeke dieing? A baby?" Jared says angrily and confused.
"Maybe this will help." Drea says as she leans towards Jared for a kiss. Jared leans back from Drea after the kiss.
"Was that supposed to be something? I don't know what kissing me proves?" Jared says. Why didn't that work?
"Maybe hug or touch Hope?" Zeke suggestes. Jared does both and nothing.
"Mick I think Evies death messed with you. You're crazy." Jared says standing up. "I'm out of here." Evie. I totally forgot about her being dead.
"Evie. Technically she died like a month or so ago."
"Technically? No she did die Mick."
"Jared shut up. You have no idea what's going on. Can you just stop!" I yell.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have came." Hope says sadly.
"Hope don't apologize. You are family. If you would like you could stay on the couch for now. We only have one bedroom." I suggest.
"Wow thank you Auntie Mick."
"Of course! You can stay as long as you need." I tell Hope. She comes over and hugs me. This must be so hard for her.
"Hey Mick, Zeke can we talk quickly." Drea asks.
"Yeah sure uh come to our room." I say.
"Sorry for interrupting your fun time. How did this happen?"
I blush. "Uh. Well the plane came out of nowhere. Everyone from 828 got in the plane. We flew the plane into the glow and we stopped. When we got out of the plane we were back in 2013 at the airport when we were supposed to land."
"Woah." Drea says.
"Yeah. I don't know why Jared can't remember." I say.
"Maybe he doesn't want to?" Zeke says. We stay silent. Drea says that she is going to go home with Jared and drop Hope off so she can start packing. I walk back to our room and lay down on our bed. Zeke does the same.
"God our life is confusing." I laugh.
"Tell me about it." Zeke laughs. We spend another hour talking until we drift off to bed. We have a busy day tomorrow with the twins birthday. Plus Hope is moving in and we need to tell Saanvi and Ben what happened with Jared, Drea and Hope.

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