Chapter 1: Fastest river in Brisbane

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*Bandit and Bluey decided to play by the river near Rad's place, the river flows very quickly, Bandit decided to teach his daughter how to place hockey*

Bandit: *smiling, holding the hockey stick* okay Bluey, I'm gonna teach you how to play hockey

Bluey: *standing close from behind the fastest river, ready to learn to play hockey* okay dad I'm ready

Bandit: *smiling* okay, 1st you can only hit the ball with the flat side of their stick.
2nd Hockey players (other than the goalkeeper) are not allowed to use their feet, or any other parts of the body, to control the ball at any time.
3rd You can only score a goal from inside the 'striking circle' in front of the opponent's goal. If the hockey ball is hit from outside the circle and goes into the goal, it doesn't count.
4th Hockey is a non-contact sport. This means that players are not allowed to push, trip, or physically touch an opponent. If this happens, the opposing team may be given a free hit or a 'penalty corner'

Bluey: *smiling* I'm rea - *she tripped over the rock as she was about to get ready, fell right into the river, she also accidentally drank the water as she fell in

Bandit: *saw what happened, threw his hockey stick aside, jumps into the river to save his daughter, managed to grab his daughter by her leg on time, gets out of the river carrying Bluey, does CPR to Bluey so she can breath* come on Bluey wake up *worried*

Bluey: *wakes up, sees her father's worried face* dad, are you okay

Bandit: *in tears, smiling, hug Bluey* Oh thank goodness I'm just glad you're alive Bluey, don't ever scare me like that again

Bluey: *begins to not act like herself* don't worry dad I'll be fine, I promise

Bandjt: *smiling* I'm glad you're okay kid, come on let's play hockey away from the river

Bluey: *starts to feel cold instantly* okay dad

Bandit: *sees Bluey getting cold* are you getting cold Bluey

Bluey: *starting to not feel very well* I'm okay dad

Bandit: *sigh* we're going home Bluey, you are not feeling well, I can tell
*instead of playing Hockey, Bandit decided to take his daughter home*

*At the Heeler household*

Bingo: *eating her polony sandwich*

Chilli: *waiting for her husband and child to come back home*

*Bandit arrived home with the car, Bluey was sitting to next father until toward home*

*When Bandit arrived home, he already saw his wife and daughter by the entrance of the door*

Bandit: *sees Chilli and Bingo* Hello honey, hey Bluey

Bingo: *smiling, see here dad* Yay, hello dad, hello Bluey

Bluey: *runs to her mum* hello mum, hello Bingo

Chilli: *to Bandit* that was a quick hockey game

Bandit: *calmily* Well Bluey did trip and fell, but I managed to help her

Chilli : *concerned* did she fall in the river

Bandit yes by accident, but I saved her from drowning

Chilli: *serious* just checking, because I heard they putting dangerous bacteria there

Bandit: *shocked* ouch, that's very bad news

Bluey: *not feeling like herself* Bingo, is it okay, If I go lie down

Bingo: *surprised as she saw Bluey wanted to walk to their room* Bluey, I thought you wanted play with me

Bandit: *smiling* don't worry Bingo, I'll play with you, maybe your sister is just tired, we had a long day

Chilli: *goes to Bluey* Bluey sweetie, are you feeling okay, why don't you play with Bingo

Bluey: I'm fine mum and I"ll play with Bingo in a minute, I needed to cool off mum

Chilli: *sits next to Bluey* that's understandable, Bluey, just remember we all going Nana's house as a family

Bluey: *hugs her mum* Okay mum, I will play with Bingo now

Chilli: *hugs her daughter* that's my gitl

Bluey: *walks downstairs, goes to Bingo* hey Bingo, do you wanna play snap

Bingo: *smiles, immediately wags her tail* yes, thanks Bluey

Bluey: *begins to play snap with Bingo, started to cough a little bit*

Bingo: *plays snap with Bluey, hears her sister cough* Bluey are you okay

Bluey: *her body starts to get cold* Yeah I'm fine Bingo, I just have a bad cough, anyway let's continue

Bingo: *sees her sister not well, becomes worried about Bluey* anyway, snap *bingo got 2 crocodile cards* gotcha

Bluey: *smiling* well done Bingo

Chilli: *goes to her 2 daughters* girls time to pack up, we're going to Nana's remember, we even sleeping there tonight

Bluey and Bingo: *begin packing up* okay mum

Stripe *hoots his horn* BEEP BEEP

Chilli: *sees what's going on outside, sees Stripe's car* Hey Stripe, what a surprise

Bandit: *sees Stripe* hello little brother

Stripe: *in his car, rolls down his window* Hello Big brother, Hello Chilli dog, where are the kids

Bluey and Bingo: *run immediately to the car*

Chilli: *looks behind her to check if the kids packed away, to be surprised they did, begins walking to Stripe's car*

Bandit: *locks everything in their house, including the front door, begins to walk to the car*

Bluey: *sitting on her dad's lap, begins to cough more than earlier*

Stripe: *hears his niece, Bluey cough* are you alright Bluey, if you like I can take you to a doctor

Bluey: *becomes a bit drowsy* I'm fine Uncle Stripe

Stripe : *still driving, smiling* Guess whom gonna be by Nana once we get there

Bingo: *wags her tail* who

Stripe: *still driving, smiling* your aunt Robin, Uncle Franky and your baby cousin Olvia

Bingo: *smiling, jumping up and down on her mum's lap* Yay

Bluey: *lays back on her dad's lap, she is still feeling drowsy and cold* *begins breathing heavily*

Bandit: *hears Bluey* Bluey, no mate

Bluey: *still feeling cold* sorry dad

Bandit: *tries to warm Bluey with his fur* it's alright, sorry that I yelled at you Bluey

Bluey: *being on top of her father's fur* it's okay dad *starts coughing heavily*

Bandit: *rubs Bluey's back, holding his daughter very still in his arms*

*Everyone arrived at Chris and Bob's house, everyone exit the car and went inside, Bandit held Bluey in his arms, until they reached to Nana's apartment*

Chris: *opens the door for everyone* Oh hello everyone

Robin: *appears with Chris, holding Olvia*

Bluey: Serious IllnessWhere stories live. Discover now