Chapter 21: Short family meeting

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Previously on Chapter 20:

*At Stripe's house, Stripe already finished his phone call with Bandit, goes to the living where the rest of the family are*

Radley: *sees Stripe* so how's Bluey, baby brother

Stripe: *emotional, very happy* she's healthy now, so she'll be coming out tomorrow, so we'll all celebrate her welcoming her back, by going to the circus tomorrow as a whole family together, then when she goes back to school, we'll all be behind her as she enters, Robin was the one whom suggested this plan, I actually love this idea of Robin, we'll pretend she was sick again but don't let anyone know she's coming to the school

Chris: *to Stripe* my dear son, are you sure this is necessary though

Stripe: *sigh, calmly answers* yes mum, because Bluey's friends miss her very much and if we suprise them with Bluey coming back, they'll be super excited about her being back at school, her teacher already phoned me before I phoned Bandit, about Bluey, she wanted to know how Bluey was, I also hear her sniffing over the phone as well, she said she was emotional for Bluey and wants to see her once she comes out of the hospital

Chris: *smiling* seems like everyone was worried about Bluey, especially us ourselves, glad my little Bluey will be back on her feet in no time tomorrow

Stripe: *wiping his tears* yeah, me too mum, Bluey really made us worried about her

Radley: *goes to hug Stripe* yes she did made us worried, but I'm glad she is better now

Stripe: *hugging Radley* yeah me too Radley, I think we should have a family meeting, I'll call our baby sister, Robin, our baby niece Olvia and Franky

Radley: *smiling* good idea, Stripe, we'll head to your dining room so long

Stripe: *smiling, as he watches Radley gathers his wife, Frisky and their parents to the dining room* no problems here brother

*in the Sunny, by where the whole crew are, Robin was holding Olvia until Stripe phoned her*

Robin: *holding Olvia, answers the transpondersnail* Hello this is Nico Robin speaking, I'm playing with Olvia at the moment

Stripe: *on the other side of the transpondersnail* oh hello Robin, can you, your child and husband come over for the family meeting, there something I want to discuss as a family

Robin: *holding Olvia, on the transpondersnail* What about Bandit and Chilli, must I get them too

Stripe: *on the other side of the transpondersnail* No, Bluey's tablet is there, we'll faceytalk with them during the meeting, just you, your husband and child that must come over by my place

Robin: *holding Olvia, on the transpondersnail* Okay, I'll go to Franky right now, see you soon big brother

Stripe: *on the other side of the transpondersnail* Okay, we'll see you soon Baby sis

Robin: *holding Olvia, on the transpondersnail* Okay I will, bye Stripe

Stripe: *on the other side of the transpondersnail* Bye Robin *ends the phone call*

Robin: *holding Olvia, goes to Franky* Honey, Stripe phoned just now

Franky: *smiling* okay, what did he say all

Robin: *holding Olvia* we need to go there, me, you and our princess Olvia need to go to Stripe's house now

Franky: *serious* but what about Bandit, Chilli, Bluey and Bingo, shouldn't we grab them along with us as well

Robin: *holding Olvia* Stripe told me, that Bandit brought Bluey's tablet here, when they came, so let's just go quickly, I'll tell Chilli to use the faceytalk on Bluey's when we arrive there

Franky: *sigh* alright honey let's go to Stripe's place now

*Franky, Robin and Olvia left the sunny, and used Bandit's car to go straight to Stripe's house*

*At Stripe*

*Doorbell rings*

Stripe: I'll get it*goes to the door and opens it* Hello Baby sister, what a surprise

Robin: *smiling, holding Olvia* Hello Big brother, as promise, we didn't bring Bandit, Chilli and the kids, we came by ourselves

Stripe: *smiling* thanks Robin, come on in, everyone is waiting for you too by the dining room

Robin: *begins to walk to the dining room* Hello Heelers

Chris: *sees Robin* Hey Robin, hello baby Olvia

Olvia: *sees her grandmother* Nana

Chris: *goes to Olvia, takes Olvia from Robin* Hello my dear granddaughter, your so sweet and cute as ever

Olvia: *being held by Nana* Nana

Robin: *smiles* glad we made on time

Franky: *does his pose* SUPER

Radley: *excited* yeah super

Stripe: *trying to calm everyone* already everyone, settle down, settle down, let's get this meeting started

Robin: *smiling* I agree, Stripe

Stripe: *to Robin* thanks Robin

Robin: *smiling, turns to Stripe* pleasure Stripe

Robin: so where are the rest of the Children in the house

Stripe: Muffin, Socks, Bobby and Vanilla are playing in the playroom, it's just next the living room

Robin: *gets Olvia from her mother* thanks Big brother *hold Olvia till she goes to the playroom, smiles when she enter and put Olvia down, then turned and walked out of the playroom, closed the door behind her before walking back to the dining room* all sorted brother, can you excuse me to the kitchen, I need to call Chilli, to let her know

Stripe: *smiling* alright Robin, go for it

*Robin goes to the kitchen, calls Chilli's number on her transpondersnail*

*In the Thousand Sunny, In Chopper's office, Chilli hears her phone ring, begins to answer it*

Chilli: *answers on her phone* Hello this is Chilli Heeler speaking .

Robin: *on the otherside of the phone* Hello Chilli, do you mind going onto Faceytalk

Chilli: *on her phone* why, did something happen

Robin: *on the otherside of the phone* No, nothing bad happened, it's just Stripe wants to do the meeting, but he wants you and Bandit, to use the faceytalk on Bluey's tablet, because we want to have a discussion with you 2 about something

Chilli: *on her phone* Okay, I'll take Bluey's tablet and we'll go to faceytalk, but the only problem is where can we go and sit though, we can't do the facytalk in Chopper's office because the kids are here with us

Robin: *on the otherside of the phone* I don't think Sanji will mind, if you guys use his dining room as a meeting area because if you use Zoro's

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