Chapter 15: Aunt Brandy came

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Previously on Chapter 14:

Chilli: *smiled once she saw her older sister* Hello Brandy, sorry we say anything to you, we just were in a rush to get Bluey better

Brandy: *to Chilli* I hear so, Chilli, don't ever scare me like that again *to Bluey and Bingo* I heard one of you girls was very sick

Bluey: *raised her hand* I was the one that was very sick Aunt Brandy

Brandy: *goes to hug Bluey and Bingo* oh you girls have grown so much, I was really worried about you Bluey, why didn't anyone tell me you were sick

Bluey: *still being held by her Aunt, I just didn't want anyone to worry so much

Brandy: *calms down* oh thank goodness you girls are okay now *to Bandit* I'm sorry I got angry with you Bandit

Bandit: *smiling* it's alright Brandy, everyone makes mistakes, Bluey actually had the liquid from the river that caused her to be sick

Brandy: *shocked* wait, the river that had bacteria in it, that's a very deadly and dangerous bacteria, how did your daughter survive from that situation about the river water

Bandit: *remaining calm* Bluey nearly died from the diseas, if you see that white huge plaster on the side of Bluey's chest, the doctor had to stab her with a pipe in order to get the liquid out of her body, otherwise she would've really died fot real life right now

Brandi: *shocked, once she saw the white plaster on Bluey, in tears* oh thank god, the doctor saved her life

Bandit: *smiling* yeah you should thank doctor Chopper for saving her life otherwise that bed would've just had Bingo on it then

Brandy: *got a fright when she heard the door open by a kick*

Sanji: *kicks the door open, giving Brandy a fright, didn't notice the other red heeler, gives Bluey, Bingo, Bandit and Chilli their breakfasts* okay eat up Heelers, gotta stay strong for Bluey, remember

Bandit: *smiling, eating his sausages* I know, thanks once again

Sanji: *smiling* I'm happy that you guys are eating and yourselves healthy for your daughter

Brandy: *shyly* um, hello, you have forgotten me

Sanji: *sees Brandy for the first time* who's that Bandit

Bandit: *still eating his sausages, swallows his food* that's Chilli's older sister, her name is Brandy, *to Brandy* Brandy this is my friend Sanji

Brandy: *still a bit shy* Hello I'm Brandy

Aka: *begins to cry*

Brandy: *immediatly goes to her daughter's aid, sees she's hungry, goes to her daughter's bag and takes out a milk bottle, holds her daughter and feeds her the milk, blushed* I'm so sorry everyone, my daughter was hungry, so I'm giving her milk now

Sanji: *smiling* as long as you feed her Brandy, you're doing a great job

Brandy: *still feeding her daughter from the milk bottle, begins to become emotional* thank you so much for your kind words, Sanji

Chilli: *became emotional herself as she remembered Bella's words to her, when she felt insecure about looking after Bluey*

Bandit: *became emotional himself as he remembered Rusty's dad's words to him, when he felt insecure about looking after Bingo*

Bluey: *worried about her mum* Mum, are you okay

Bingo: *worried about her dad* Dad, are you okay

Bandit and Chilli: *saw both their daughters worried faces, both went to calm them down together

Chilli: *comforting Bluey* we're okay sweetheart, sorry you girls saw us in tears, we're okay kids

Bandit: *comforting Bingo* your mum right there isn't a need to stress about us at all, we're fine girls

Bluey: *comforting her mum* don't worry mum I'm always here for you

Bingo: *comforting her dad* don't worry dad I'm always here for you

Chilli: *smiling at Bluey* thanks Bluey

Bandit: *smiling at Bingo* thanks Bingo

*Bluey wags her tail and Bingo begins to do the same as Bluey*

Bandit and Chilli: *smiling, both proud of their 2 daughters as they see their tail wags*

Brandy: *smiles, while feeding Aka the milk bottle* I'm glad Bluey and Bingo are healthy now, I was really worried, no one informed me about Bluey being sick, nor even phone me, it's like, I don't even matter at this point

Chilli: *sad, still comforting Bluey* I'm sorry that I didn't phone or informed you, we didn't know that Bluey was sick because she never told any of us, that she was sick, she didn't even tell Bandit's little sister, Robin either, she kept it like it's a secret, if we had known she was sick, we would've told everyone in the whole family including you Brandy, If Bluey had told us a lot earlier, Stripe would've taken her to hospital by now, but instead, she never did tell us anything, until Robin noticed her symptoms and brought her to this ship that you're in now, luckily the doctor that works here knows how to cure Bluey

Brandy: *smiles, while feeding Aka the milk bottle* well I'm happy you told me now about this, I'm glad he saved her life otherwise, she wouldn't have been here with us

Bluey: *looks towards her mum* mum, there is something I want to tell you and Aunt Brandy

Chilli: *sits close to her daughter* what is it, Bluey

Brandy: Brandy: *smiles turns to serious face, goes to Bluey, while still feeding Aka the milk bottle* what is it you wanna tell us Bluey

Bluey: *turns to her mum and Aunt Brandy* I met my grandmum, when my heart stopped and I also met Breatrice too

Chilli: *starts to tear up when she heard Bluey said that she met her mum*

Brandy: starts to tear up when she heard Bluey said that she met her mum,while still feeding Aka the milk bottle*

Bandit: *starts getting a bit angry with Bluey* Bluey, how could you make your mum and Aunt Brandy cry

Chilli: *starts to tear up when she heard Bluey said that she met her mum, stops her husband on time* Stop Bandit, don't make her more upset then she already was

Bandit: *sees his wife stopped him* but honey

Chilli: *begins to wipe her tears, turns to Bluey* it's seem like you have already met your Big sister, Beatrice and your grandmum cattle, right Bluey

Bluet: *nods her head* yes mum, I

Bluey: Serious IllnessWhere stories live. Discover now