Chapter 12: Sleepy time

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Previously on Chapter 11:

Bandit: *smiling* interesting, the kids love meatballs right

Chilli: *smiling* so true, honey

Robin: *smiling* well seems like it's all set then *starts leaving the room* well, I betrer start heading out now, to my own family now

Bandit: *smiling* okay Robin, thanks for looking after Bluey for us

Robin: *smiling, leaving the room* pleasure, bye Heelers

Sanji: *enters the room brings Bluey's dinner* here you go Bluey, eat up

Bluey: thanks Mr Sanji *eats her meatballs*

Sanji: *delivers the rest of the Heelers* here you go Heelers, *to Bandit and Chilli* eat up Bandit and Chilli, both gotta be strong for your daughter Bluey

Bandit and Chilli: we will Sanji *both begin to eat their meatballs*

Sanji: *to Bingo* go Bingo, eat your dinner so you be strong for you big sister

Bingo: okay Mr Sanji *begins to eat her dinner*

Sanji: *smiling* I'm proud of you guys

Chilli: *smilling, done swallowing* thanks Sanji

Sanji: *smiling* no problem Chilli, glad you guys are eating, for your daughter's sake though

Bluey: *finished eating her meatballs* finished, thank you Mr Sanji

Bingo: *finished her whole plate* Thank you Mr Sanji

Sanji: *taking the 2 plates from Bluey and Bingo* thank you girls, was it good

Bingo: *smiling* it was delicious

Bluey: *smiling* I loved it very much

Sanji: *smiling, holding Bluey and Bingo's plate* thanks kids, I'm glad you both loved it very much

Bandit: *finished, his plate* finished my plate, I'll put it in the kitchen

Sanji: *takes the plate from Bandit, holding tightly onto 2 plates* No, I'll do it Bandit, it's nice of you but I'll take it

Bandit: *smiling* thanks Sanji so much

Chilli: *smiling, finished her plate, very loud* FINISHED

Sanji: *takes Chilli's plate, puts it on top of Bandit's plate, starts heading out of the room* okay, glad everyone ate in this room, see you guys *leaves the room*

Bandit and Chilli: *to Sanji* see you tomorrow

Bluey: *tired* I feel tired mum

Bingo: *starts feeling tired, lies next to her sister, Bluey* Me too mum, where's Floppy and Polly puppy

Chilli: *smiles, takes out polly puppy, gives it to Bluey and Floppy, gives it to Bingo* here you girls go, you both have your special toys, I didn't forget them at home, as promised

Bluey: *smiling, as she recieves Polly puppy from her mum* thanks mum

Bingo: *smiling, as she recieves Floppy from her mum* thanks mum

Chilli: *smiling* okay goodnight sweethearts, sleep tight *gives Bluey and Bingo a kiss on their foreheads* goodnight our princesses

Bluey and Bingo: *both fallen asleep, holding each other and their toys very tightly, both kids smiled as they have fallen asleep together*

Bandit: *smiles as his 2 daughters have already fallen asleep in Bluey's bed together, goes to Bluey and Bingo and kisses them both on their foreheads* goodnight squirts, sweet dreams girls, daddy with be here for both of you, I promise I'll always love and protect you girls, no matter what happens, don't ever be scared to tell me or your mum anything, because, remember we'll always be here for you girls, even if you can't see us, because we love you girl very much, no matter who you girls are or where you girls are from, you girls will always be protected by us, I'm just glad I had you 2 amazing daughters *turns to Chilli* and my amazing wife *turns back to his 2 daughters* don't ever leave this world without us ever

Chilli: *smiling, became a bit emotional* your daddy is right girls, your father is so right

Bandit: *smiling* goodnight girls *starts to fall a sleep next to Bingo*

Chilli: *smiling, goes to Bluey, begins to fall asleep next to Bluey*

Robin: *stand in the entrance of the door, watching the family has fallen asleep, smiling as she watching them*

*The next morning, at Calypso school, everyone walked through the door of the school, to the school's garden area*

*It's a very lovely field with benches around, The trees are beautiful green and hazel, with bird's nests laying in them*

*Everyone sat infront of Calypso with their legs crossed, waiting for the announcement, All the kids were there Jack, Rusty, Snickers, Mackenzie, Coco, Gabriella, Maggie, Indy, Chloe, Winton, the Terriers, Jean Luc and Pretzel, waiting for Calypso, whom was emotional but super happy*

Calypso: *smiling and emotional* so you all wondering where your class mate Bluey is, your parents told me I should tell you kids this

Rusty: *worried* I heard Bluey was sick

Jean Luc: *scared and worried* I hope she's okay

Coco: *sees Calypso emotional* are you okay miss Calypso

Calypso: *emotional turns to smiling* your friend Bluey, is alive and healthy, she's coming back tomorrow, she just needs to stay in the hospital one more night, then she's back home tomorrow

Mackenzie: *emotional* oh Bluey

Coco: *goes to comfort Mackenzie* I told you there was nothing to stress about Mackenzie

Mackenzie: *smiling, sees Coco's concerned face* I know Coco, sorry I made you worried 2 days ago, I was worried I'd lose my friend to the disease

Calypso: *smiling, goes to comfort Mackenzie* there, there Mackenzie, there is no need to get so worked up about this kid, I promised you she'll be fine and look Bluey is healthy and alive again, she'll be on her feet in no time tomorrow, she'll just need to rest

Mackenzie: *became emotional, immediately wipes his tears* sorry she just really made me worry about her, miss Calypso

Calypso: *comforts Mackenzie* it's alright Mackenzie, your friend is okay

Coco: *to Mackenzie* do you want to know a secret, Mackenzie

Mackenzie: *to Coco* what is it, Coco

Coco: *to Mackenzie* when Bluey was sick, I was on the same boat as you, I was really just as worried as you, but than when she got better I started getting happier, so we just needed to be strong, brave and believe in ourselves then everything will be alright

Calypso: *smiling* that's very good advice coming from you, Coco, good girl

Coco: *smiling* thanks Miss Calypso

Mackenzie: *clueless* what's happening

*Everyone began to laugh as the screen faded out*

*In the Thousand Sunny, Chopper's office*

Bandit: *begins to wake up, yawns* oh man

Bluey: *begins to wake up, begins yawning*

Bluey: Serious IllnessWhere stories live. Discover now