Chapter 17: Death of Beatrice

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Previously on Chapter 16:

Brandy: *shocked* thank goodness your friend was there

Robin: *enters the room* I was the one whom saved Chilli and Bluey that day, if I didn't stop the car on time, Chilli would've died right on the spot in front of her 2 daughters

Chilli: Bandit's sister is speaking the truth

Brandy: *smiling, a bit emotional* thank you Bandit's sister so much for everything's

Robin: *became a bit emotional* it's a pleasure, and you don't have to call me Bandit's little sister, just call me Mrs Robin Heeler

Brandy: *confused* wait, are you married as well

Robin: *nods her head, smiles* yes I am actually, but no one in the family, my husband's name is Franky and I also have a 3 month old daughter named Olvia

Brandy: *shocked and surprised* WHAT

Brandy: *still shocked and surprised* Are you serious

Robin: *serious* Yes I am serious, I was adopted before I even got engaged, got married or even started a family of my own by Bandit's mum, Chris

Bluey: *smiling* yes and she is now our adopted Aunt

Brandy: *mouth wide open* holy cow, I honestly missed a lot in this family

Chilli: *silently laughing* well at least I got to meet her now

Robin: *smiling* yeah, nice to meet you again Brandy

Brandy: *smiling* nice to meet you too Miss Robin

Robin: *in tears, also remember she was called miss all Sunday, but she hid it from everyone else* thanks that's so sweet of you, I love that nickname very much

Brandy: *finished giving her daughter milk, puts Aka back in the stroller, puts the milk bottle back in the baby's bag* well I'm finished feeding Aka, put her milk away, now I can start heading home

Chilli: *seeing her sister begins to leave* are you sure, we're about to have lunch here

Brandy: *smiling* I'll be fine Chilli, just I have to start heading home otherwise my boyfriend is gonna be worried about me and Aka

Robin: *smiling* alright I'll help you out the sunny, like how I helped you onboard

Brandy: *smiling, getting the stroller ready* thanks Miss Robin

*Robin and Brandy both went outside, then Robin used her devil fruit hands to help Brandy, Aka's baby things and baby stroller off of the thousand sunny, she calmly waves goodbye to Brandy*

*Brandy waved goodbye to Robin before putting her daughter in the car, putting the stroller and baby things in the boot, then closes the boot and backseat door, enters her car and begins to drive off*

Robin: *smiles as she watches Brandy leave their area, begins to go inside the sunny*

*In Chopper's office*

Bluey: *turns to her mum* mum, dad

Chilli: *smiles turns to Bluey* yes Bluey, Blue

Bandit: *smiling, turns to Bluey* yes baby girl

Bluey: *became serious* how did my older sister Beatrice, is there something I should know

Chilli: *smile turns to serious, begins to sigh* Your older sister Beatrice died from a miscarriage, she didn't make it alive

Bluey: *turns to her dad* Dad, what even caused mum's miscarriage

Bandit: *becomes very serious* well, Most miscarriages occur because the fetus isn't developing as expected. About 50 percent of miscarriages are associated with extra or missing chromosomes. Most often, chromosome problems result from errors that occur by chance as the embryo divides and grows - not problems inherited from the parents. Your mum, Aunt Brandy has infertility issues, so having miscarriages and being infertile is common in their side of the family, your mum actually stressed when she was pregnant with Beatrice, I really didn't know, why it happened to your mum, but once we had you and your little sister Bingo, we became overprotective of you 2 and that's also the reason we play so much with you girls as well, because we really wanted to be caring and loving parents to both of you girls *touches Bluey's left cheek* that's why when you came into the world, we became a little too proud of you kid, cause we both love you girls very much, even if we're not here on earth anymore, we'll always be here for you girls if you need us *becoming emotional* because we love you both more than anything in this world and if you girls weren't born, I wouldn't have found my happy place at all, we really thank you girls so much for everything

Bluey: *became emotional* thank you dad for looking after us

Bandit: *smiling still emotional* you're welcome Bluey *gets a fright once he hears the machine going off, looks at the red flashy light meaning that the medcine is nearly finished, wipes his tears immediately* I better go get doctor Chopper, I'll be back now

Chilli: okay honey *grabs the tissue and wipes Bluey's eyes* there's no need to cry Bluey, I understand how you feel kid, I was also as upset, but I picked myself up, dusted myself off and kept going

Bluey: *smiling* the show must go on.

Chilli: *sneakily smiled* check

Bluey: *serious* mum, can you maybe explain, how Beatrice died

Chilli: *sigh* alright, but it's gonna be a flashback sequence

Bluey: *nods her head, still serious*

Chilli: *serious* okay

*Flashback when Chilli was 8 months pregnant with Beatrice, at the hospital*

Doctor: *sad* I'm sorry Heelers, it's bad news I'm afraid but your pregnancy is endangered, your wife might suffer a miscarriage

Chilli: *pregnant with Beatrice, shocked* what, no way

Doctor: *still very sad* Yeah, unfortunately your baby might not make it out alive

Bandit: *had a mallet at that time, very sad* is there anything you can do

Doctor: *still very sad, shakes her head* no, unfortunately not, your wife has to stay in hospital for the night

Bandit: *starts tearing up* I don't believe this

Doctor: *tries to comfort Bandit* I'm sorry but there is really nothing we can do to save her, Bandit

Bandit: *upset* do you really think I'm laughing, I really wanted to start a family with my wife Chilli and this miscarriage is happening, I really wanted a damn child

Chilli: *sees her husband upset* honey

Bandit: *begins to cry* why the fuck is this happening to us, why couldn't this happen to another family not

Doctor: *feeling bad for Bandit* I understand Bandit, I know

Bluey: Serious IllnessWhere stories live. Discover now