Chapter 23: The Meeting

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Previous on Chapter 22:

*At Stripe's house, Everyone is in the dining, except the kids whom are in a separated room, in their playroom, Stripe has entered Faceytalk, then he saw his brother on the other side of the faceytalk*

Stripe: *smiling when he saw his brother* hello brother, glad you and Chilli dog are connected

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk* glad we did though, the kids are with Nami in Chopper's office

Chilli: *on the other side of the faceytalk, happy to be connected* hello Robin

Robin: *on the other side of the faceytalk, smiling* hello Chilli, glad you could make it

Chilli: *on the other side of the faceytalk, smiling* thanks you too

Stripe: *happy* alright, let's start this family meeting, shall we

Robin: *sits down on the chair* okay big brother

Stripe: *smiling* okay, let's start

Radley: *smiling* I'm glad Bluey, has gotten better, 2 days ago she was very sick, because she fell imto the river water near my place, now I'm glad she's recovering very fast from this illness

Robin: wait, what is the illness called anyway, I saw on the newspaper Bluey had cholera maybe

Radley: *snaps his fingers before, loudly hitting the table* that's what caused Bluey to become sick, she had cholera in her lungs, that yellow liquid, that is what it was Robin, remember Bingo, mentioned her sister's chest was squishy as well

Bandit: are you certain big brother *on the other side of the faceytalk, confused*

Robin: *uncertain* are you sure

Radley: *on the other side of the faceytalk, annoyed with Bandit and Robin* Yes, Robin and Bandit, goodness gracious, why do you think she was busy breathing heavily, she was suffering in her lungs, she was also very cold on her body as well too, I know you and Bandit are not doctors but still, I still think it was because Bluey had cholera, which cause her to be sick the way, she was 2 days ago

Robin: *sigh* yeah, you maybe onto something there, Radley

Radley: *to Robin* good, glad we're on the same page Robin

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk* interesting, Chopper, didn't say any of this to me and Chilli

Radley: *sigh* maybe, it's because he didn't want you or Chilli dog too much, besides, he knows a lot about illness, he's a doctor

Chilli: *smiling, on the other side of the faceytalk* glad, we got Bluey sorted on time, though

Stripe: *smiling* yeah, us too Chilli dog, glad your daughter will be on her feet in no time tomorrow

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk* yes, we're happy too about Bluey being on her feet tomorrow, she'll be much healthy tomorrow

Trixie: *smiling* hope so Bandishwasher *silently laughs*

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk, smiling, playfully gets angry* hey

Robin: *silently laughs at Bandit*

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk* anyway, so is that all you guys want to talk about

Stripe: *nervously scratching his head* no actually, there something I want to tell you guys as well

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk* what is it you want to talk about Stripe

Stripe: *nervously scratching his head* well, Robin and I made a plan before we had a meeting about Bluey when she goes back to school but I don't know if you'll like it though

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk* Stripe, I'm your brother, just tell me what you and Robin were planning by Bluey school, me and Chilli, won't kill you nor Robin okay,

Stripe: *sigh, know he has to tell Chilli and Bandit the same thing he told their mum* when Bluey goes back to school, we'll all be behind her as she enters, Robin was the one whom suggested this plan, I actually love this idea of Robin, we'll pretend she was sick again but don't let anyone know she's coming to the school, so that's why I was nervious because we didn't let you know at first

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk* that would actually be a good idea, Stripe, because Mackenzie's dad phoned me this morning about Bluey, because Mackenzie was worried about her too as well

Stripe: *feels abit sad* well  it's a shame

Trixie: *to Chilli* Chilli, how did Bluey's future husband react, did her future father in - law phone you too

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk, playfully gets angry* hey, no husbands for my daughters

Chilli: *on the other side of the faceytalk, get angry with Bandit* Bandit *to Trixie* Sorry Trix, um Jean Luc's father hasn't phoned me yet at all, maybe I should ask after we're finished with the meeting, though

Trixie: understandable Chilli, just let me know as well too

Chilli: *on the other side of the faceytalk* alright, I will Trix

Stripe: *smiling, sigh* so what can you guys tell me, any news this morning besides Mackenzie's father phoning you

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk, smiling* oh, Brandy came to visit us today as well

Stripe: *smiling* oh, that's very nice, did she come to see Bluey and Bingo

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk, smiling, turns to nervous* yeah about that, she kind of bit my head off when she arrived here

Stripe: *concerned* why

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk, sigh* because, me nor Chilli told nor notified her that Bluey was sick with cholera, so it was our fault there, but we did explain to her about everything that had happened when Bluey was sick, even explained, why she never told us anything at all, we even explained that if it weren't for Chopper, she wouldn't have been on the bed wifh Bingo then

Stripe: *sigh* glad you 2 told her everything that had happened and how Bluey got sick though

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk, sigh* yeah, glad we did though, other then that she was just happy that Bluey was healthy and better again, she was really worried about her, herself

Stripe: *smiling* glad we had this talk though, I think we should end our family meeting here

Bandit: *on the other side of the faceytalk, smiling* sounds like a good plan

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