Chapter 13: Last night stay

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Previously on Chapter 12:

*The next morning, at Calypso school, everyone walked through the door of the school, to the school's garden area*

*It's a very lovely field with benches around, The trees are beautiful green and hazel, with bird's nests laying in them*

*Everyone sat infront of Calypso with their legs crossed, waiting for the announcement, All the kids were there Jack, Rusty, Snickers, Mackenzie, Coco, Gabriella, Maggie, Indy, Chloe, Winton, the Terriers, Jean Luc and Pretzel, waiting for Calypso, whom was emotional but super happy*

Calypso: *smiling and emotional* so you all wondering where your class mate Bluey is, your parents told me I should tell you kids this

Rusty: *worried* I heard Bluey was sick

Jean Luc: *scared and worried* I hope she's okay

Coco: *sees Calypso emotional* are you okay miss Calypso

Calypso: *emotional turns to smiling* your friend Bluey, is alive and healthy, she's coming back tomorrow, she just needs to stay in the hospital one more night, then she's back home tomorrow

Mackenzie: *emotional* oh Bluey

Coco: *goes to comfort Mackenzie* I told you there was nothing to stress about Mackenzie

Mackenzie: *smiling, sees Coco's concerned face* I know Coco, sorry I made you worried 2 days ago, I was worried I'd lose my friend to the disease

Calypso: *smiling, goes to comfort Mackenzie* there, there Mackenzie, there is no need to get so worked up about this kid, I promised you she'll be fine and look Bluey is healthy and alive again, she'll be on her feet in no time tomorrow, she'll just need to rest

Mackenzie: *became emotional, immediately wipes his tears* sorry she just really made me worry about her, miss Calypso

Calypso: *comforts Mackenzie* it's alright Mackenzie, your friend is okay

Coco: *to Mackenzie* do you want to know a secret, Mackenzie

Mackenzie: *to Coco* what is it, Coco

Coco: *to Mackenzie* when Bluey was sick, I was on the same boat as you, I was really just as worried as you, but than when she got better I started getting happier, so we just needed to be strong, brave and believe in ourselves then everything will be alright

Calypso: *smiling* that's very good advice coming from you, Coco, good girl

Coco: *smiling* thanks Miss Calypso

Mackenzie: *clueless* what's happening

*Everyone began to laugh as the screen faded out*

*In the Thousand Sunny, Chopper's office*

Bandit: *begins to wake up, yawns* oh man

Bluey: *begins to wake up, begins yawning* Morning dad

Bandit: *sees Bluey had woken up* morning Bluey, how did you sleep squirt

Bluey: *smiling* good dad, how did you sleep

Bandit: *smiling* great Bluey *rubs his daughter's head* so where did you go to the market

Bluey: *silently laughing, begins waggimg her tail* oh dad

Chilli: *begins to wake up, sees Bluey and Bandit awake* morning honey, morning Bluey

Bluey: *smiling* morning mum

Bandit: *smiles as he sees his wife awake* morning honey, how did you sleep

Chilli: *smiling* I slept great

Bandit: *smiling* I slept great too honey

Bluey: *smiling* I slept great mum, how did you sleep

Chilli: *smilling* I slept alright sweatiest heart ever

Bluey: *smiling, begins to wag her tail*

Bandit and Chilli: *surprised when they both saw Bluey's tail wag for the first time after the disease* our rainbow baby's tail is wagging once again, Hooray

Bingo: *begins to wake up* Morning Bluey, morning mum and dad

Bandit, Chilli and Bluey: *smiling* morning Bingo

Bingo: *sees her mum, dad and big sister, smiling* how did everyone sleep

Bandit: *smiling, rubs Bingo on the head* I slept good, squirt

Bingo: *lauging as her father rubs her head*

*Bandit's phone begins to ring,, it was Mackenzie's dad*

Bandit: *smiling, thinking it's curry swap, answers the phone* So are you phoning me for the curry swap

Mackenzie's dad: *other side of tbe phone, shaking his head* no, I'm checking on your daughter, Bluey, I heard she was sick

Bandit: *answers calmly and politely* yes, Bluey was very sick with a horrible river water bacteria in her lungs, luckily we had an amazing doctor that maybe a reindeer but he is the best doctor in the world, he save Bluey's life, we all in the office still, but Bluey is getting much better now, we only coming back home tomorrow, so this is our last njght here

Mackenzie's dad: *other side of tbe phone,smiling* that's so interesting, I'm glad your daughter is recovering now, so proud of you Heelers for being strong for her no matter what happens or how challenging it would be to save her

Bandit: *smiling, in some tears*  thanks Mackenzie's dad, I really appreciate it very much

Mackenzie's dad: *smiling, other side of tbe phone* don't cry Bandit, I know how strong you really are, besides you should be happy that your daughter is even alive with you

Bandit: *smiling, in some tears, wiping his tears* Yeah your right, Mackenzie's dad

Mackenzie's dad: *smiling, other side of tbe phone* Yep, Mackenzie was worried about her, he didn't want to go to school because be was so upset and sad, me and my wife tried to comfort him, but he cried like there was no tomorrow, I'm just glad your daugher is better and healthy again, now I will just tell my son that she's healthy and better now, she just needs to stay one more night in the hospital

Bandit: *smiling* okay see you border collies

Mackenzie's dad: *smiling,other side of tbe phone* goodbye Heelers, glad we had this talk

Bandit: *his phone call ends, puts his phone away* Bluey, one of your friend's dad phone to ask how you were, because Mackenzie was worried about you very much

Bluey: *smiles* I'm fine now dad, when can I go back to prep again

Bandit: *smiling* in 2 days kid

Bluey: *smiling* Hooray

*At Mackenzie's house*

Mackenzie's dad: *smiling* Mackenzie, I phoned Mr Heeler and it's great news

Mackenzie: *still worried about Bluey* what is it dad

Mackenzie's dad: *smiling* you're friend Bluey is healthy and alive, she'll be coming out of hospital tomorrow and you'll play with her prep the day after

Mackenzie: *emotional, went to hug his dad* I'm glad she's alive and healthy again, I was so worried about, she's my best friend and I didn't want

Bluey: Serious IllnessWhere stories live. Discover now