Episode 5:Return Of The Roar (Part 1)

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Just outside the borders of the Tree Of Life. There was a large cave. And at the entrance of it was a lion with a scar over his left eye, remembering the event that gave his that scar.

"Grr!" He growled with pure rage.

Just then Zeeka had appeared from behind and sat a little far from Jehanamu and said.

"Master do you want know who was that cub who listened our plan?"

"Proceed Zeeka."

"Well according to our spy he said that one day before our attack at night, he appeared at the mountain pass when asked about him he said that his name was Kion and that he is the prince of the Pridelands but he isn't the heir, he is the second born that his father hated because he thought he will be just like Scar."

"What the Pridelands, if he was from the Pridelands then Sahasi would not have taken him inside at any cost."

"No no no that was the thing he was going to do but Janna and Rani stopped him and after he saved him yesterday he has gained his trust." Zeeka said.

But there was one more thing that hit Jehanamu's mind.

"If he is the second born of the king of the Pridelands then."

"Then what master."

"What haven't you heard the tales as the second born of the King of the Pridelands. Kion will have a special power known as the 'Roar Of The Elders' legend says that the roar can change the weather, stop avalanches and other natural disasters and can send the enemies thousands of feet away. It also indicates that the bearer of the roar will become the leader of the lion guard and protect the circle of life."

"Then what should we do master." Zeeka asked.

"Kion is not a good sign for us that means we have somehow let Sahasi himself exile him from the Tree Of Life."

"But How will we do that?"

"That's the question..... Wait! Zeeka you weren't there when we were at Tree Of Life, were you?"

"No I was waiting outside for 5-6 days until you and all our army came running remember."

"So Sahasi doesn't know that you are with us. I have just the plan for you. You go to the Tree Of Life saying that you want to seek refuge and when you see Rani or Baliyo with Kion. Do something to Kion to go away for a second and when he is not there attack Rani and Baliyo and knock them unconscious and then run to Sahasi saying that Kion had attacked them then they will surely exile him. Just remember this all should be done in evening as Sahasi is doing his patrol at that time."

"Ok master." Zeeka said running towards the entrance of the Tree Of Life.

At that time Jehanamu noticed something in the distance.

Sahasi was clearing a debate over the watering hole between some animals that's when a bird came flying towards him and whispered something in his ear. After hearing what he said Sahasi ended the debate as fast as he could and ran towards the Mountain pass. There was Zeeka walking slowly but he could take one more step. He was confronted by Sahasi

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Sahasi asked

"I-I am Zeeka, I have heard that the Tree Of Life is a great place to seek refuge that's why I came here." Zeeka said as he was a bit terrified by the firmness in the voice of Sahasi.

"Ok but you den will be near the borders because some lions are trying to attack me lately."

"And why is that?" Zeeka asked although he knew the answer.

"It's because I am Sahasi, the king of the Tree Of Life."


"Here let me show you where your den is."

Sahasi said as he went walking in front but then he looked up for a second and nodded at a bird who flew away after that. After waking for a few minutes they finally reached the cave.

"Here this is your cave where you will sleep."

"Ook thank you king Sahasi and one more thing can you tell where the watering hole is?"

"If you go straight from here you will find it."

After answering him Sahasi quickly went towards the Tree. When Sahasi was finally out of sight Zeeka proceeded to go towards the watering hole. When he finally got there he took a few sips before hearing some noise. When he looked up to see who it was, he was surprised. It was Kion, Rani and Baliyo it looked like they were playing tag. After playing for little more seconds they finally stopped and drank some water but after drinking Kion saw Zeeka and quickly shouted Rani and Baliyo knew there was something. When they both looked up as well Baliyo went behind Kion and Rani with them protecting him.

"No no no don't be scared of me I just came to the Tree Of Life to seek refuge."

"But who let you in?" Rani asked.

"Yeah." Kion also said backing her up.

"At the mountain pass I met king Sahasi and he let me stay. I am assuming you three are Kion, Rani and Baliyo." Zeeka said already knowing their names.

"Wait how do you know our names we just met." Kion pointed out.

Zeeka was caught off-guard by this question, he just blew up his cover but then a answer hit his mind.

"Oh Sahasi told me all about you he also said how Kion saved him."

"Uhh okay." Rani said now easing her stance.

"By the way what is your name?" Kion asked now easing up his stance as well. With Baliyo coming in from now.

"Oh my name is Zeeka nice to meet you all."

"Ok Zeeka we will continue our playing if you don't mind bye!" Kion said walking away with Rani and Baliyo following him.

After they were out of sight Zeeka still looked at the direction they went and said.


Word Count:1021

I know I know this episode came after more three days. But I still updated before the next Sunday comes. And hopefully I update on next Sunday this time. And there will two parts of Return Of The Roar so you will have to wait. And maybe I am going to add two or three more episodes to the story but it could happen that I will not add them I don't know. So until next episode.

"Stay Tuned"

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