Dom Affogato x Sub Eclair

857 3 2

No major warnings

Soft sex, kissing, slow and steady, lingerie, body worship, nipple play

Sleepdestorion, you're lucky I like you enough to change the prompt halfway into writing it


A soft chill blew through an open window, making the scholar shiver. But Eclair didn't get up from his seat, I mean why would he? He was too intrigued by the new item he had just found. "My my, what a sight." Eclair smiled in a soft voice, examining it further. How lucky he must be to find such a rare find, especially just being some random broke college kid. "Hm, you'll be the star when I get my own museum someday!" Eclair laughed softly, rubbing his finger against the necklace's nooks and crannies.

As he kept analyzing it he heard his dorm door open. He didn't even bother looking up. All he said was a brief hi before going back to look at it. "Oh, what do you have there?" Affogato asked as he glanced over his roommate's shoulder.

"Oh this is just some pretty necklace. It's really unique and well crafted, wouldn't you say so?" Eclair explained proudly, showing off how the object seemed to glow under his olive eyes. Affogato nodded, kissing his neck.

"Mhm hm." He rubbed, placing kisses along Eclair's jawline.

"Oh, what's with the sudden interest?" The Scholar murmured, cupping his cheek. Affogato placed a soft kiss on his lips, moving their heads closer together until he kissed his neck. His teeth grazed his skin, but he wasn't biting him at all. No, his mouth felt more like a caress, making Eclair feel goosebumps form on his neck, but then again he felt that every time Affogato kissed him.

"It's just been a long day. And I just missed you." Affogato murmured in his ear as his hands traced circles onto his cheeks. Eclair only chuckled, pushing him away a bit. "Plus, today is a very special day." He said as he grabbed his waist.

"Can this wait? I wanna finish my examination, first."

"Hmm~, you and lil treasures." He kissed him once more, before letting him go. "It's adorable, hun." He added, walking off to their room. Eclair only shook his head, smiling slightly at himself. Though he did wonder what was so special today. He couldn't remember Affo mentioning anything about today being special or exciting.

Perhaps it was his birthday? Nah, it's no were close to February.

Fuck maybe it was his birthday?! No... it's in January...!

Hmm, then what could it be? He racked his brain for a moment, trying to think. "Hmm, could it be a Holiday?" Eclair asked, putting the necklace into a small silver box and sealing it shut. He glanced at their bedroom door for a moment, as if the answer was written on the wall.

"Maybe it's just random?" He asked himself, closing the box lid. He walked out of his room and walked up to it before knocking on the door.

"Come in~~." Affogato's voice rang out with sultryness. Eclair opened the door slowly, noticing the sight before him. The room was no longer its dim and dull self. Instead, it was more slutty.

There was a sexy red glow emanating from the LED lights. There were different red shades of rose petals scattered on the bed. Candles were set on a desk across the room, lit up to create beautiful sparkly flames. But that was nothing but mere snacks compared to the man who lay on top of the bed.

His only clothing was black lacy lingerie that made his body look curvier than before but still exposed his thighs. It also really helped that it had doubled as a corset. He looked incredibly hot in that lingerie, and Eclair couldn't help but admire his body. It was the enlightening combination of sensuality and sexiness.

Just a bunch of smut cookie run one shots (Closed :()Where stories live. Discover now