CHAPTER TWO: The Future Foundation

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Tap tap tap. Tap, tap tap, tap. Tap tap—

"Miss Ando, would you kindly stop that incessant noise?" groaned Kyoko. It wasn't easy to file important documents for her agency when that noise bounced off the walls of the rather large, rectangular and futuristic look of the Future Foundation's meeting room. Ruruka Ando, the Ultimate Confectioner, scoffed. "Well, excuse me for cursing promptness. I'm already late for another board meeting as it is! Where is Naegi?!"

"Calm down, Miss Ando." Aoi said. "I'm sure he'll be here any moment now." Ruruka laughed. "This Naegi guy really doesn't seem to be the type to be on time. I know Miss Kirigiri says he's an impeccable scientist, but it's not impeccable to be late for his own meeting. Such a remarkable lack of style.."

"Comments on style should never be made by those who have none." Byakuya insulted, making Yasuhiro and Aoi break down into a fit of laughter. Heck, even Kyoko couldn't help but laugh. Ruruka looked at the blonde with an incredibly offended expression. Byakuya just smirked. Only he was allowed to insult Makoto.

Just then, the door swung open, and Chiaki ran inside, Makoto following. "We're so sorry we're late!" Chiaki cried. Makoto was wheezing to no end from all the running. "We completely lost track of time!" she explained.

"No need to worry, Miss Nanami." Ryota said, understanding. "As long as it doesn't happen again, we'll be fine." Makoto, who seemed to have managed to get his breath back, fixed up his hair, and walked up to the podium next to Byakuya, with Chiaki next to him.

"Well, with everyone here, I hearby announce that the Board of Ultimates of The Future Foundation is now met." Byakuya announced. "The order of business will be conducted by myself, the Ultimate Affulent Progeny, Byakuta Togami, and the Ultimate Detective, Kyoko Kirigiri." He looked at Kyoko respectfully with a smile. She returning the expression.

"Proposition 113 is our newest proposal, presented by the Ultimate Lucky Student, Makoto Naegi." he continued. "Miss Kirigiri will now address the board."

"Members of The Future Foundation," Kyoko began. "I believe you are all aware that Class 78's beloved Lucky Student, Makoto, has become quite the carer in the fields of medicine. But when he's not doing that, he has been working on a theory about the mind, and he would be so grateful of you all could let him hear him out on it."

"Uh, yeah, right, I'd rather not hear someone out on a theory about the mind. Especially when science if involved." Ruruka said, a little skeptical. Kyoko looked at her. "Normally, this would be where I'd ask you, and please excuse my mouth, "Why the fuck did you even consider taking the position of being a member?", however, since I'm actually nice, I will like to let you know this isn't the meeting for that."

Makoto, Hiro, Aoi and Chiaki snorted, trying to contain their laughter. Ruruka, who once again had a look of offence on her face, just adjusted herself in her seat and stayed silent. "Makoto." the detective turned to Makoto. "You may begin."

Makoto regained his composure, cleared his throat. All eyes were on him, waiting for him to begin. He began politely. "Hello, Future Foundation. Thank you for hearing me out for this. I really appreciate it."

"Now, with the help of people such as Yasuhiro Hagakure, Byakuya Togami and Chihiro Fujisaki, I have been studying the mind for about...woah, just 7 months? It feels longer than that." he laughed at the realisation and continued. "Anyways, digression. It is only recently, that my research has begun to point in a direction leading to beneficial, heck, probably miraculous, treatments!"

"This can change tomorrow for the sake of mankind! And if you wish me to continue, I would like to show you that today." Total silence was in the room. Makoto took that a sign that they were listening, and continued.

Dr. Naegi and Mr. Komaeda (A Danganronpa Jekyll and Hyde AU)Where stories live. Discover now